Book Review Coming Soon

Well, the week is halfway over and I still have not finished my first book of the year.  I promise I will have it finished by the end of the week.  Sometimes I just do not have the time to read.  I am also waiting on the books that I ordered to get here too.  I bought The Help, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, and The Girl who Played with Fire.  Has anyone read any of those books?  Can you give me any suggestions for other reading this year?

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Week 1 of 2012

This was the first full week of 2012.  I am halfway done with my first book of the year.  I hope to have it done today and post my review tomorrow. 

This is the book I am reading.

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2012 Goals

Have you made any goals for the new year?  I usually break resolutions within the first week of the new year.  So this year instead of making resolutions I have set goals for myself. 
Here is what I have set for myself this year:

Read 45 books in 2012
Not wear t-shirts and jeans so much
Do my make-up more
Go out on an actual date with N more often
Start scrapbooking again
Do at least one crafty thing a month
Start the C25K program

So far I have started one book. (I am hoping to finish it early next week.)   I have put on make-up every day since January 3rd.  I want to run a 5K someday and the C25K program is a great way to train for it.

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Crafty Tuesday changes

Happy 2012!  I have been thinking about Crafty Tuesday lately.  It seems to me that I keep posting the same type of crafts over and over again.  Are you on Pintrest?  I love it!  I have a craft board that I am always pinning things to.  It has WAY more pins than my other boards do.  I have been thinking about changing Crafty Tuesday to Crafty Pinterest Tuesday.  It will still be Crafty  Tuesday just with a Pintrest twist.  Here is how it will work:

I will share pictures of things I have pinned from Pinterst.  Easy enough huh?  I will add a linky if anyone wants to join in and do their own Crafty Pintrest Tuesday posts.  Then you can link back to me and we can share what we have found for our own craft boards. 

What do you think?

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Happy 2012! A year in review

*Warning* This post will be pic heavy!

I do not know where this year has gone.  Do you?  It seems like yesterday we were ringing in 2011 and now we are a day away from 2012.  Do you have any big plans for the next year? 

Let’s check out what we have done this year.

I hope you have a great 2012!  Talk to ya next year!  =)
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Taco dip

This is another New Year’s Eve recipe that I have been making forever.  My mom used to make it and now I make it for our party.

You need:
a very small package of hamburger
1 can of refried beans
1 container of sour cream
1 package of taco seasoning
shredded cheese
shredded lettuce

Here’s how to put it together:
Brown the hamburger and drain it.  Add the refried beans to the hamburger and cook until hot.  Empty the taco seasoning packet into the sour cream and mix up very well.  Pour the hamburger and bean mixture into a baking dish.  Add the sour cream/taco seasoning mixture, then add the shredded letuce and cheese.  Bake on 350 degrees until the cheese is melted.

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New Year’s Eve recipes

What are you doing for New Year’s Eve?  Are you having a party?  We usually just make some appeitzers and stay home.  Last year, I made Hawaiian BBQ meatballs. It is such an easy recipe.  All you need is:

Frozen meatballs
BBQ sauce

and a cna of drained crushed pineapple.
Cook the meatballs in the slow cooker for fifteen minutes on high.
Then add the whole bottle of sauce and whole can of pineapple.
Continue to cook for four hours in the slow cooker.
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His name shall be Jesus!

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Holiday printable review 12-24

These are in random order.  I hope you have enjoyed the printables.  If you have printed any for yourself I would love to see how you used it in your decorating.  Send a picture to

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Happy Christmas

I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight:


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