11-11-11 and Happy Veterns Day

There is no real point to this post.  I just thought it would bee cool to have a post publish at 11:11 on

Today also happens to be Veterns Day.  Happy Vetrens Day to all my friends and family who have served in the military.  Thank you for all you have done defending our country!

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Is it too early?

I love Christmas decorating.  Is it too early to start?  I wish N would let me start decorating before Thanksgiving.  I try to make at least one new decoration every year.  Last year I made this sign and wreath:

I have no idea what I want to make this year. 

N would love to decorate the house like this:

I would love to decorate with something like this:

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Meet Me on Monday 11-7-11

Has the time change messed up your schedule at all?  It really hasn’t mine, but I get tired an hour early than I usually do.  Haha!
Here is this week’s Meet Me on Monday:

1. Are you excited for the holidays or are you dreading them?
I am always excitied for the holidays.  If N would let me I would decorate on November 1st, but he won’t.  So I have to wait until the day after Thanksgiving.

2. Do you hit the snooze button or get right up?
I don’t set my alarm.

3. Do you still have your tonsils?
Yes, I do.

4. What was the last piece of candy that you ate?
A peanut butter cup

5. Do you shop at thrift stores?

Check out Meet Me on Monday to see the other answers.

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Oz at Zaxby’s

I took this picture awhile ago.  N and I went to Zaxby’s for dinner and we sat down under this poster. 
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Halloween 2011

My pumpkin

My pumkin lit up

My wicked witch of the east decoration

My costume.  I dressed up as my best friend Caryn, a Payless employee.  Haha!
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Crafty Tuesday is back again

Sorry for the delay in Crafty Tuesday posts.  Things have been a little crazy arouind here.  Anyways,  I have found some really cute ideas to start things off again. 

This picture frame is made out of an old window.

How adorable is this magnetic memo board.  Hard to believe it was made froma cookie sheet.

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Meet Me on Monday 10-24-11

 It has been awhile since I have done a Meet Me on MondayI am trying to get back on a regular blogging schedule.  Anyways,  here are this week’s questions

1.  My favorite kind of animal is _______?

 I have loved lions since I was little.  My high school mascot was a lion

2.  Do you like your handwriting?
It depends.  If I am in a hurry and scribbling something down then no.  If I am taking my time writing something then my handwriting isn’t too bad.

3.  What is the last movie you saw?
Umm..  I think the last movie we watched was You Again.  

4.  Do you buy things on eBay?
Yes, but not too often.

5.  What did you have for lunch yesterday?
Lunch?  I don’t remember the last time I was even awake before lunch.  haha!

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Christmas Shopping

Have you started you Christmas shopping?  I have to admit that I haven’t started actually shopping yet, but I have been thinking about what I want to get people.  I have a few things in mind for several people.  This year I am making a gift basket of banana bread for my grandma using her banana bread recipe.  I thought it would be sweet to do for her since she doesn’t bake too much anymore.   

I found an app for android that lets you store your Christmas shopping list on your phone so you don’t have to keep losing a piece of paper.  It lets you add the person and what you are getting them along with a price of the gift if you are on a budget.  I have used it to add my ideas for people so far. 

Since I will be making some of the things I will put up tutorials on them as I get them done.  I hope you enjoy them.

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Where Have I Been?

Wow!  I didn’t realize I was so behind.  I can’t say we have been bust because we haven’t.  I can’t say things have suddenly come up because they haven’t.  I just haven’t blogged.  I have been too lazy.  I hope you can forgive me. 

My babygirl turned 12 on the 13th.  Where did the time go?  When she was a kitten she fit in my hand and weighed about two pounds.  Now she probably weighs about 15.  She will always be my kitten though. 
Can you believe that Christmas is almost here?  I hope to have up some Christmas decoration and gift ideas very soon.

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Hoo Are You 10-4-11

I know I have said for the past month that I will be starting Crafty Tuesday again.  Things have still been busy around here lately.  We recently moved into a new house and are still unpacking things and starting on finishing the basement.  So please bear with me if you have been having Crafty Tuesday withdrawls.  I will for sure have them back by Thanksgiving.

Now, on to this week’s Hoo Are You.

1. Do you sleep with the tv or music on?

We sleep with the TV on.  I am afraid of the dark so it gives a little bit of light for me.
2. What is your favorite technology device that you own?
I would have to say my phone is my favorite.  Or my Kindle.
3. Do you shop the ads for groceries?
N does most of our grocery shopping with his mom. So they do a lot of on Wednesdays because of senior citizen discounts.
4. What are you favorite pair of shoes?
I hate wearing shoes.  So I don’t have a favorite pair.

5. Have you done any fun fall activities yet?
Well, not as of yet.  We are planning on taking the munchkin to a pumpkin patch this year to pick out pumpkins to carve.

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