Pink Lids to Save Lives

October is coming up. October is breast cancer awareness month. For the past three years I have saved the pink lids from Yoplait yougurts. I have forgotten to send them in though. Uh-oh! This year I am going to send them in no matter what. 

Please send in your pink lids.  Yoplait donates $.10 for every lid received to the Susan B. Komen foundation.  They even donate some to your local chapter of the foundation so be sure to include you zip code when you send those lids.  
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HOO Are You 9/20/11

I haven’t done a Hoo Are You in awhile. So here is this week’s questions.

1. What are your favorite 3 things about fall?

Caramel Apple Pops
I love these so much.  I wish they were out all year instead of just around Halloween.  I also love the smell of burning leaves.  If Yankee Candle made a burning leaves scented candle I would buy it and burn it all year.  I guess the third thing I love about fall is the weather starts to turn cooler and I can make soup and chili for dinner. 
2. Are you a football fan and if so who is your favorite team?
I am still figuring out football.  I will watch it with N, but it is not my favorite sport.  I like the Colts and he likes the Panthers.  It doesn’t look like either team is going to have a good season this year.
3. What is your favorite fall scent?
Haha!  I answered this in the first question.  I will say again though that the smell of burning leaves is my favorite fall scent.
4. So you have seasonal allergies?
I don’t think so, but I do have a stuffed up nose when I wake up so I take an allergy pill and everything is fine after that.
5. Have you started Christmas shopping yet?
I haven’t started shopping yet, but I have started deciding what I want to make for people. 
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Halloween countdown

Halloween is coming up quick!  I am busy making the treat boxes for our trick or treaters.  I found a bigger template for the french fry boxes.  I cut them out last night.  I need to find my halloween embellishments so I can decorate them.  I love making the little people smile!  I will post pictures of them when I finish them.

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Braves baseball 9-12 and other things

We went to the Braves/Marlins game on 9-12.  It was a lot of fun as usual.  We had right field seats this time instead of our usual left field seats. 
I got a great picture of Kimbrel coming in from the bullpen.  I can’t wait for our next game.  I am making a shirt to wear that has his name on it.  I will put up pictures of it when I finish it.
This was after the game. I think it is cute. 
I got to see another of my favorite pitchers play.  Peter Moylan was on the DL for most of the season.  I was so excited to see him pitch again. 
The Braves lost in extra innings, but it was still a fun game.  I can’t wait to go to our next game.  It will be the last game of the season against the stupid Phillies. 
Hopefully we make it into the playoffs.  There is no doubt that we won’t but sometimes things happen. 
Have you started thinking about Halloween?  Remember I said that I was going to be Dorothy from Wizard of Oz for Halloween? 
Well, I found a pin that my best friend gave me when she worked at Payless Shoe Source in Illinois.  I thought it would be funny to be a Payless employee.  So I am going to wear a nice shirt and pants and the pin.  I will take pictures of course. 
Have you done any cute decorating for Halloween or fall in general?  Please share them and I might feature them on Crafty Tuesday.
Email your ideas to me at
Also send some of your favorite recipes for me to try on Wednesday Dinner.  I will share the recipe and a couple of pictures.
  I am making a promise to myself to blog more.  I have not being blogging as much anymore.  Things have been a little busy for the past month.  I hope to be able to share soon what kinds of things have been going on. 
Happy birthday to this little girl:

My cousin Tara (who I call Tara Butt) turns seven today.  I think she was two in this picture. It was taken at my parents house at Christmas.   She fell asleep on N with her baby brother Trent’s Christmas present from my parents. 

Happy seventh birthday Tara Butt!  I love you babygirl!
I hoe everyone has a great week and a fun weekend.
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10 years later

10 years ago today our nation changed.  It started out like any other day.  Only to turn into the biggest attack on US soil.  This is the flag from the World Trade Center.  It amazes me that it was not destoryed more than this.

This is the same flag that was patched with other flags.  I think this is beautiful.  This picture is from the memorial service of the little girl killed in the Arizona shooting.  She was born on 9/11/ 01

Do you remember where you were?  What you were doing? 

I had just woken up to get ready for a doctor’s appointment..  I had the TV on and saw the pentagon.  I thought oh the pentagon is on fire.  Then I closed my eyes again for a minute and the news changed back to NY.  Then the first tower fell.  I ran into my parents room and woke up my mom to tell her something bad is happening.  We watched until I had to leave.  I had a class that afternoon and instead of actually doing anything in class we just talked about what had happened. The school had TV’s everywhere.  In all the common areas.  Everyone was just watching them. No one was talking. 

10 years later we have found and tried Saddam Hussein.  He is now dead.    We have FINALLY found Bin Laden.  He is now dead.  

Thank you so much to my friends that have served my country.

Seth Clark
Nathan Moore
Greg Williams
Olin Sparks
Kerri Blum
David Kasky
Zack Beckette
Jeff Rose (husband of a friend)
Ryan Norman
Randy Frank

And the one friend that made an ultimate sacrifice for his country;
Benjamin K. Smith

Forever Nine/Eleven
by Cate Hutchison
Families always remember,
Especially in September.
Nobody gets forgotten.
Especially in September.
Firemen and police,
Remember fallen friends.
Respect in September.
Respect throughout the year.
Friends always remember,
Especially in September.
Especially in September.
Forever nine/eleven.
Families unite together,
Especially to remember.
Especially in September.
Loved ones who are gone,
Loved ones who were lost.
Everyone always remembers,
Especially in September,
I write this poem one the 1 year anniversary of 9/11.  Today being the 10 year anniversary it is even more true today that it was then.  Families unite to remember the loved ones they lost one this day 10 years ago.  Respect should be given to the families of those lost.  We should remember the fallen firemen and policemen on this day as well.  They gave their lives trying to save many people. They went into the building as others were running out.
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Get ready!

Be prepeared for an emotianl post on Sunday.  With the 10 year anniversary of 9/11 I wanted to do something to remember those lost and those who went through this.  I also wanted to honor my friends that have served our country after it happened. 

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Kimbrel Nation

 Craig Kimbrel is a closing pitcher for the Braves.  He is awesome.  He is a rookie.  This is his before pitch stance.  I love it.

On August 31st, N and I went to the baseball game.  Kimbrel closed the game and broke the record for Major League rookie saves with 41 saves.  How cool is that?  He has a great career ahead of him.  I hope he stays with the Braves for a long time!
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Hoo Are You 8/30/11

I didn’t even realize it was Tuesday until now.  For some reason I thought it was Monday.  Anyways,  Here is the Hoo Are You for this week:

1. What are some of your pet peeves?
I have a few.  One is when N’s mom crushes an empty water bottle.  I HATE the sound.  It gives me chills down my back.  Another one is kind of hard to explain.  I hate when someone’s shirt sleeve or bottom is turned up to where you can see the stitching on the inside.

2. Do you have a favorite or lucky number?
22.  I have been number 22 evey year I played softball except for one.

3. What is one of your family traditions?
When I still lived at home we would NEVER put Christmas presents under the tree until Christmas Eve day. After Christmas Eve service at church we would go to my grandma’s house and sing very loud and obnoxiously Rudoplh the Red Nosed Reindeer complete with chorus line.   We also opened our stockings first thing Christmas morning. I am going to do the stockings again this year since my mom made us some last year. N’s family watches Christmas story continusly on Christmas Eve/Christmas Day. 

4. Is there anything you are OC about?
Holiday decorating.  I love it to where it has to be perfect.

5. What is your favorite kind of food?
I love mexican food.

I hope you enjoyed my answers. 

I will be resuming Crafty Tuesday and Wednesday dinner after Labor day.  Tomorrow N and I are going to a baseball game.  I can’t wait.  We haven’t been since May.

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Halloween ideas

Are you ready for Halloween?  I love Halloween!  I love dressing up and passing out our candy.  This year I know we will have a lot of Trick or Treaters.  This year I am dressing up as:

Dorothy from Wizard of Oz. 
 I have been Dorothy a few times. 
The costume was first made for me in 7th grade.  My mom made it bigger so I could wear it again and again.  I just need to get a new white shirt to wear under it. 
I also know where my ruby slippers are this year so I get to wear those again.  YAY!  My mom made those too.  She used a pair of the dyeable shoes that you can get for weddings and formal events.  painted them red and then put red glitter into a bottle of modge podge and painted them with that.  Then she sprinkled more red glitter on top before the modge podge dried.  She made them about seven years ago and glitter still falls off. 
Usually I try to make something to put our candy in.  Here’s what I have done in previous years:

This was last year’s treat bag.
2009’s treat.  This is not a good picture of it.

2008’s treat box.

The back of 2008’s box. The erasers kept falling off so I ended up putting them in the boxes.
I made these cute little ghosts for last year’s treat bags.  The are tootsie pops with tissues tied around them and a little ghostie face drawn on with a sharpie.
I am still trying to decide what to make for treat boxes this year.  I have a couple ideas but I need to find patterns. 
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Wednesday dinner is back..

Starting in September I will start making dinner on Wednesday again.  I have several recipes that I want to try.  Especially this one:

Duggar’s Taco Soup

3 lbs ground turkey

1 med. onion, chopped

3 (4oz.) cans green chilies, chopped

3 tsp. salt

1 1/2 tsp. pepper

3 pkg. taco seasoning

3 pkg. ranch or 1 c. liquid ranch dressing

3 cans hominy, undrained

9 (14 1/2 oz.) cans diced tomatoes, undrained

3 (15oz.) cans kidney beans, undrained

6 (15oz.) cans pinto beans, undrained

5 c. water

Brown ground turkey w/ onion. stir in remaining ingr. Bring to boil. Simmer 30 min. Serve w/ Tortilla chips, grated ched. cheese & sour cream.
*This recipe is Duggar sized. If you don’t need to feed an army then adjust the recipe to the size you need.  I will probably make the whole recipe because we have eight people in our house. 
I can’t wait to start making dinner again.  I will definilty share the finished meal with you and take pictures this time around of all the meals before serving.  I forgot to do that last time.
Another Duggar recipe that I want to try is for St. John’s Banana Bread.  I love baking and I have always wanted to make banana bread, but never got around to it.  Here is the Duggar’s recipe:
St. John’s Banana Bread

1/2 c. butter

1 c. sugar

2 eggs

2 c. sifted flour

1 t. salt

1 t. baking soda

3 large bananas

1 c. chopped nuts

1 t. melted butter

cinnamon-sugar mixture

Cream butter &sugar. Beat in eggs, one at a time. Mix in sifted dry ingredients. Beat in mashed bananas. Add nuts. Pour into a greased & floured 9”x5”x3”-pan. Bake at 350 for 50-60 min. While bread is still warm brush with melted butter & sprinkle with cinnamon-sugar. 

makes 1 Loaf
I love the Duggar family if you haven’t noticed.  I want to be the kind of mother that Mrs. Duggar is to her children.  She doesn’t talk down to them or yell at them when they don’t obey her or Mr. Duggar.  I am reading their book right now and I am almost done with it.  I have learned a lot about how she keeps her calm and doesn’t get frustrated with the children.  I would love to be able to meet them someday.  N’s mother, father, and brother met them in July and got their first book signed for me. 
I hope you are having a great weekend.
P.S. Crafty Tuesday will start in September as well; after Labor Day!

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