Fill in the Blank Friday and Five Question Friday

This is my first Fill in the Blank Friday.  I thought it might be fun.

1. My idea of pure perfection would be if I could live on the beach.  I would live on Jekyll Island.  I love that place.

2. Love makes the world go ’round.

3. If it weren’t for life getting in the way I’d craft all day every day.

4. Bloggers so creative.  I have gotten so many ideas from other crafty bloggers.

5. If I had a house on the beach I’d buy you a bed so you can come visit!

6. I’m glad it’s Friday because it has been a long long long week!

7. Something I’m excited about is going to the Braves game at the end of the month.

I thought I would do these two together this time instead of doing two different posts for them. 

1. Do you close the bathroom door when you are home alone?

Yes. I always close the bathroom door.

2. You have to walk around with a word on your forehead. That word describes you. One word. What is it?


3. What store do you refuse to shop at and why?

Wal-Mart.  I don’t mind having to go there, but I don’t like shopping there because shoppers at Target are so much nicer!

4. If you participated in arranged marriages for your child(ren), who would you choose for your child(ren)?

Well, N and I don’t have children and I if I planned arranged marriages for our cats that would just make me the crazy cat lady everyone talks about.

5. If you could pick how and when you would die, would you?

Oh good question!!! I have always loved this line from Titanic: You are going to die an old woman in a warm bed. 
It would be perfect to be surrounded by photos of things I have done in my life just like Rose in the movie.  I may have seen Titanic four times in the theater. 

Thanks for stopping by!  Please check out some of my other posts since I have a lot of craft projects for you to try.  I will be starting Wednesday dinner again soon so I will start having some recipes up weekly too.
I hope you enjoy Random Crafty Georgia Girl and become a follower!  Have a great weekend.

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Busy Busy Busy Week!

N and I have been extremely busy this past week.  It has been one of those weeks that has been so long that I don’t even want to talk about it.  Have you ever had one of those weeks?  It always seems like they are so bad and them when you look back on them later you want to laugh. 

We are going to go to another Braves game this month and them another one next month.  I can’t wait.  I love baseball.

I will be resuming Crafty Tuesday and Wednesday dinner soon.  Like I said before we have had a lot going on over the past couple of weeks and it has been a little hectic. 

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August Already?

It is August already?  Where has the summer gone?  It seems like this year has flown by.  When you are a kid the year goes by so slow, but as you get older it seems like everything just goes by so fast.

 School is starting on Wednesday here and Munchkin, N’s nephew, will be in first grade.  When we moved to Georgia I was surprised by how early school starts here.  There were some schools that started today.  When I was in school we didn’t go back until the third week of August.

Have you had a great summer?  I have enjoyed our summer of visiting with N’s sister and her family, our vacation to Jekyll Island, and relaxing in the pool. 

I can’t wait until this fall.  We are going to have some great trips then too!

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Vacation 2011

N and I recently went on vacation.  We went to Jekyll Island GA again.  We had such a good time. 
Sea Turtles come in from the ocean during the summer and lay eggs.  There have been over 140 nests along the coast already this summer.

We also went and saw Horton House.  It is a house from the orginal days of the island.  It was cool. 
We stopped by St. Simon’s Island as well.  There is a Revoltionary War fort there called Fort Fredrica. 

We had a great time.  I can’t wait to go back again.  I love the Georgia coast.
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Wee Bit Wednesday 7-20

Today is my 29th birthday!  =)  Happy birthday to me!!

{one} what is your dream job?
Someday I want to open a bakery.  I love baking.

{two} how many best friends do you have?
Two. N and Caryn.
{three} what’s the longest road trip you’ve ever taken?
Any trip I have taken with N to PA. 

{four} if you had to do one single thing every day for the next year, what would it be?
I don’t know.  I haven’t thought about this.

{five} what’s one story your family always tells about you?
When I was in junior high my cousin was about 2 or 3.  My grandma took her to day care every day.  One day I had forgotten something I needed for school.  I was trying to tell my teacher that my grandma wasn’t home because she took my cousin to day care and I didn’t know where it was.  Well she didn’t have a lot of common sense.  She thought I was trying to tell her that I didn’t know where my grandma’s house was. So when she called my parents she told them that I didn’t know where my grandma lived. 

{six} how did your parents pick your name?
A book character

{seven} what’s the one thing that scares you more than anything?
Severe storms.  The ones with tornados. I HATE THEM SO MUCH!

{eight} are you a good cook?
I think so.  I don’t cook very often right now, but I will be starting to make dinner again a couple of nights a week soon.

{nine} where do you see yourself in 20 years?

Married, a couple of older kids.

{ten} what’s your best childhood memory?
Climbing trees.  I love it.  I would come home from school and go right into the tree.  Sometimes I would stay there until my parents came home from work.

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I will be here!!

TOMORROW!!  I can’t wait.  I love Jekyll Island so much.  It is so peaceful there.  I will only be uploading pictures to my laptop.  I want to relax on the beach this weekend.  I will post our pictures on Tuesday.

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Crafty Tuesday 7/12

Today is Tuesday. Don’t you hate when you lose track of what day it is?   Usually Tuesday means time for another  Crafty Tuesday.  Well, N’s sister is visiting this week so I totally forgot about it until now.  So I am going to post it in two weeks instead of next week.  
I’m watching the All-Star game tonight.  Last night I missed the majority of the Home run Derby and the Celebrity-Legend softball game.  I love watching the Celebrity-Legend game.  It is so much fun to see the former baseball stars play again.  I also loving seeing Ozzie Smith do his signature flip.  He always did it on opening day.  Now he does it on the Celebrity Legend game.  Last year after he did it he said, “I am getting too old for this.”  It was funny.
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Disney picture

This is the one picture I wanted from my parents Disney World trip. 

Daddy and Goofy comparing shoe size.  I think Goofy won, but just by a little bit.

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Is it too early?

I have been thinking about Christmas already!  Can you believe that it is almost five months away?  Where has this year gone?  Anyways,  last night I was thinking about our Christmas cards.  I wanted to make an ornament to go with them this year. I thought these little stockings were so cute. 
I wanted something that would just go in the envelope and not have to be packaged.  I think they are going to be so cute.
I have also been thinking about gifts already.  I already know what I want to make for my best friend’s husband.  I have her gift already.
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Hoo Are You 7/5/11

I haven’t done a Hoo Are You in a long time!


1. How did you spend the 4th of July?
Well, it was rainy all day so we kind of just stayed inside. We may or may not have been those annoying people in the neighborhood that set off fireworks late at night. It stopped raining.

2. What was a couple of your favorite things you ate for the 4th of July?
A Jimmy Dean sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit.  As good as our dinner of porkchops, macaroni salad, and baked beans could have been I don’t really like any of that stuff.  I ate the porkchops because I will eat those.  I won’t eat macaroni salad and baked beans.

3. Did you watch fireworks?
Just the ones we may or may not have set off late at night after the rain stopped.

4. What is your favorite firework?
I like the ones that spark and scream.

5. How hot was it where you were for the 4th?
Well, it started out hot, but then when it started to rain it cooled off a lot.

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