Crafty Tuesday 7/5/11

My birthday is later this month so I made a birthday printable.  I hope you enjoy it.  You can use it to celebrate your own birthday. 

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Hot! Hot! Hot!

It is HOT!   It is 8:00 p.m. and it is still 93 degrees outside!  Our A/C went out yesterday.  Why did it have to be the Fourth of July weekend when it is HOT and the repair shops are closed for the holiday weekend?  Oh well, N and I have a portable A/C unit on our room. 
Anyways,  are you doing fireworks this weekend?  We did some last night, but have a bunch more for Monday night.  We are going to watch the fireworks in town and then come home and do our own.

N and I will be at the beach in two weeks!!  I can’t wait.  I love the sound of the ocean waves coming in and crashing onto the beach.  This year we are also going to be going to St. Simon’s Island as well as Jekyll Island.  I have this list of places to go shopping. attractions, and places to eat.  It keeps getting longer and longer, but I don’t think N and I can fit everything into just a weekend.  Haha!  I love Jekyll Island.

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Crafty Tuesday 6/28/11

Crafty Tuesday is back.  I decided to take a little break from posting it.  I found some great stuff while I was on that break. 

I am going to start slow for now and work my way back up to multiple feautres. 

Here’s my welcome back to Crafty Tuesday.

I found this cute tank by Megan from Brassy Apple.   I can’t wait to try it out myself.

*Photo from Brassy Apple*

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Too fast!

  Where has this year gone?   Can you believe that a few days ago was 6 months until Christmas?  It doesn’t seem possible.  It has definitly gone by too fast.  We are going into July in the next few days and then before you know it school will be starting again. 

Do you have any big plans for the 4th of July?  I’m not too sure what we will be doing yet.  I know we will go watch the fireworks somewhere, but other than that I’m not too sure what we are doing.  Probably spending a lot of time in the pool! 

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3 weeks from yesterday..

I will be laying on the beach, playing in the waves, and having fun in the sand.  N and I will be going back to Jekyll Island. 

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Free Fourth of July Printable

I wanted a patriotic printable, but I wasn’t in love with the ones I had seen in blogland.  I really like them, but I wasn’t finding the one I wanted.  So I made it. 
Because I am so nice, I am sharing this with you.  You can right-click on the picture to save it to your computer.  I would love to see how you use it.  I am going to put it in a white frame.
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I think it’s time

I think it’s time to bring back Crafty Tuesday.  Have you missed it or have you not even noticed it was missing?  I haven’t been posting Crafty Tuesday because I needed a break from it.  Sometimes you need a break from little things.  Anyways,  I have some great things in mind for the next couple of months.  I am thinking about breaking out the sewing machine for the first time ever.  I have been thinking about doing another giveaway.  I don’t know what yet since I am just thinking about this. 

Are you going on vacation soon?  Do you bring home the little bottles of shampoo, condtioner, and the soaps from your hotel?  They seem to multiply don’t they?!  I found this great idea for using up the extra bottles and soaps. 

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Happy Father’s Day

 This is my daddy. .  If you ever have the chance to see us interact together it may not look like we get along.  It is all just play.  Daddy call me Jose.  He says that it is because every other little girl in the world is Daddy’s little princess or kitten.  He wanted something original. Something that no other little girl will be called by Daddy.   I can’t think of any cute or funny story about us that will make you laugh or cry.  So you will just have to deal with it! =)

 This is my Poppy!  He’s my mother’s father.  He passed away in 2005.  Poppy and I would watch baseball together just like this.  He called me “puppy dog”. So when he died N and I went to get a little stuffed puppy dog to put in his casket.  It was the only thing buried with him.  He was a great man.  I love him and miss him every day.  When I was little I would come home from school and climb the tree outside.  Poppy would come home and as he was passing the tree he would hand up a box of Raspberry Zingers.  I love those.  Now I can’t have one without thinking of him. 

 This handsome man is my great-grandfather, Fat PaPaw.  He was my grandmother’s father.  He was born in 1900.  I was still little when he died in 1985 or 86.  I don’t remember which year.  I don’t really remember too much about him, but I do remember him.  He always had flowers growing somewhere.  Either at his home or my grandma’s home.  Usually sunflowers.  I think this is why sunflowers are one of my favorite flowers.

Now for the guy in the dark blue shirt.  That’s N.  We have been together for 10 1/2 years.  He has been there for me through so much.  Especially when Poppy died.  He made sure that I went back to his room in the hospital the night before so I could see him one last time.  He always makes me feel better.

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A little boring….

Sometimes I think that I am little boring to my readers.  I am a horrible blogger.  I go days without making a post.  I usually don’t have anything to blog about.  Unless you want to see pictures of sleeping cats all the time.  Haha!  I didn’t think so. 

Anyways,  I am not sure when we are going to another baseball game.  I wanted to go for my birthday but the Braves won’t be in town that day.  =(    I guess I can deal with not going to a game for my birthday. 

I still have the shadowbox to work on.  I need to get some blue paint.  I also have a couple of other craft ideas forming in my head.  They haven’t been thought all the way through yet, but I know what they are and somewhat how I am going to do them. 

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Moved to WordPress

Well, I have been thinking about moving RCGG to WordPress after the recent problems Blogger has had.  I made the switch last night.  I have been working on getting everything figured out.  Today I decided that WordPress was too hard to understand so I deleted that crazy confusing thing.  I am back to Blogger.  It is so much easier and I know how to work it.  =)

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