Blake Shelton’s Honeybee

I love this song!  Blake is starting to move ahead of Brad Paisley in my favorite country singers list. 

Girl i’ve been thinkin ’bout us

and you know i aint good at this stuff

but these feelings pilin’ up wont give me no rest

this might come out a little crazy

a little sideways yeah maybe

i dont know how long it’ll take me but ill do my best

you’ll be my soft and sweet i’ll be your strong and steady

you’ll be my glass of wine i’ll be your shot of whiskey

you’ll be my sunny day i’ll be your shade tree

you’ll be my honey suckle i’ll be your honey bee

yeah that came out a little country but every word was right on the money

and i got you smiling funny right back at me

now hold on cause i aint done theres more where that came from

well you know im just havin fun but seriously

You’ll be my louisianna i’ll be your mississippi

you’ll be my little loretta i’ll be your conway twitty
Girl i’ve been thinkin ’bout us

and you know i aint good at this stuff

but these feelings pilin’ up wont give me no rest

this might come out a little crazy

a little sideways yeah maybe

i dont know how long it’ll take me but ill do my best

you’ll be my soft and sweet i’ll be your strong and steady

you’ll be my glass of wine i’ll be your shot of whiskey

you’ll be my sunny day i’ll be your shade tree

you’ll be my honey suckle i’ll be your honey bee

yeah that came out a little country but every word was right on the money

and i got you smiling funny right back at me

now hold on cause i aint done theres more where that came from

well you know im just havin fun but seriously

You’ll be my louisianna i’ll be your mississippi

you’ll be my little loretta i’ll be your conway twitty
your kiss just said it all

i’m glad we had this talk

nothing left to do but fall in each others arms

i coulda said i love you

coulda wrote you a line or two

baby all i know to do is speak right from the heart

you’ll be my soft and sweet i’ll be your strong and steady

you’ll be my glass of wine i’ll be your shot of whiskey

you’ll be my sunny day i’ll be you shade tree

you’ll be my honey suckle i’ll be your honey bee

you’ll be my louisianna i’ll be your mississippi

you’ll be my little loretta i’ll be you conway twitty

you’ll be my sugar baby i’ll be your sweet ice tea

you’ll be my honey suckle i’ll be your honey bee

i’ll be your honey bee

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Meet Me on Monday 6/13/11

It has been awhile since I have done one of these.  It got to where it was all I was doing.  Anyways,  I thought I would do some again.

1. What is your favorite yogurt flavor?
I don’t really have a favorite flavor.  I don’t eat yogurt too often.

2. Ankle or knee socks? and on the same theme, white socks or coloured??
White ankle socks.  I have a few holiday socks though.

3. How is the weather right now?
Well, since it is 5 AM, it is cool.  It will be hot later.  We are having a crazy heat wave in the south US. 

4. Are you a fast typer?
Somewhat fast. 

5. Red or White Wine?
White wine.  I don’t drink all that much though.

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My birthday..

My birthday is coming up.  Almost a month away.  I have been having a hard time deciding what I want this year.  Here are a couple of things I have come up with.

A french maincure and pedicure.  The last time I had one was my best friend’s wedding almost four years ago.  I loved it and now that I have been growing my nails out I think it would look awesome!

Wicked tickets.  Wicked will be coming back to Atlanta in September and October.  I have wanted to see this since it opened.  I loved the book and I know the musical is a little different, but I would still love to see it.  I would have loved to have seen it on Broadway with Kristen Chenowith and Idina Menzel.
I have always loved my birthday!  Some people don’t like their birthday because it means the are getting older.  I love it because people get you presents and everyone is nice to you on your birthday!  Haha! 
N and I will be going to Jekyll Island at the end of July.  I love that place. 
This picture is from when we were there in October.
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James Dean’s Ghost?

I am a James Dean fan.  He was just the image of cool!  June 2010 we went to N’s nephew’s high school graduation and stopped in Fairmount Indiana(JD’s hometown) to see his grave and all the cool stuff there.  Today I saw this picture on facebook posted by the James Dean fan page I joined.  What do you think about it?

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This weekend…

My parents were visiting this weekend.  They were on their way home from Disney World.  When they got here on Saturday we went to thier hotle and hung out with them for a little while.  Then we went to Chili’s for dinner.  Sunday afternoon we went to Archiver’s.  I got a shadowbox that I think I am going to make into a beach memory box.  It is white and I am going to sponge paint some blue on to it to look like the ocean.  I also have shells from Tybee Island and Jekyll Island that I am going to put into it.

We went to Cracker Barrel for dinner Sunday and Monday afternoon before they had to leave we went to McDonald’s for lunch.  It was a great weekend.

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They are here!

Just as I was clicking publish post my dad called to say they were here.  We are going to go see them in a little bit.

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Waiting for my parents to get here

N and I are waiting for my parents to get here.  They are on their way back from…

Walt Disney World!! 
If you have been following long enough, you know that I had to put up this picture my mom took from Disney.  Cinderella’s castle is pink.  I love pink.
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Getting Ideas

Is it bad that I look on Etsy to get craft ideas?  I don’t intend to sell the person’s ideas that they worked so hard to create.  I just use them to get ideas for gifts.  I love seeing what other people have created as well. 

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Remembering Fallen Heroes

Sgt. Benjamin K. Smith
died 2004
Son of my parents best friends

SSgt. Paul R. Pedigo
died in 2005
Thank you to everyone that has served our country.  I don’t find Memorial Day as a day to remember only our military heroes.  I find it as a day to remember all our loved ones that have passed away. 
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Flamingo head wall thingies

I found these on a great blog called Flamingo Toes.  My mom has an obsession with flamingos so I sent the directions to her.  Here are her cute flamingo heads. 

I think her flamingo collection is getting to the point where she will have to move it into my old room soon.  Hopefully not though.  I don’t want flamingos in my room.  It was the only room in the house that didn’t have them.

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