Are you ready for the Fourth of July yet? It is hard to believe that the year is already coming up on the sixth month! Weren’t we just celebrating New Year’s Day? Summer is when we embrace our patriotism and bring out the red, white, and blue decorations and crafts. I’m sharing some posts from around the internet of others patriotic and summer crafts. You can click on the link to see how to make the craft! Hope you enjoy and I’d love to see what you have made for the summer holidays!

This favor box made by Artsy Fartsy Mama is a cute way to give a little treat to your party guests or kids!
Holly from Pink Fortitude made a hero jar with a mason jar! I love this idea to remember those that we have lost who have fought for our freedom!

Another mason jar craft that I loved was from Bitz and Giggles. She made a solar light with a mason jar, tissue paper, modge podge, and a solar powered outdoor light.

I love adding signs to our decor! This hand painted sign made by Me and my Inklings would make a great addition to your decor as well!

This wooden star from the Country Chic Cottage is also a great addition to your summer decor! It looks so easy to make and a cheap way to show your patriotism!

Your little ones will love making an eagle with their handprints. Find out to they can show their love for their country at Simple Everyday Mom

I loved sharing these patriotic crafts with you today! When you go check them out be sure to tell them that Random Crafty Georgia Girl sent you!!
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What a great roundup for the 4th of July. Thank you for including my Hero Mason Jar DIY. My heart is full of gratitude. Hugs, Holly
Thank you so much for sharing it with me to use! I loved it! I think it was my favorite of all the links shared!