Photo A Day May

Are you on Instagram?
I have been doing a photo a day in May challenge on Instagram and have been having a lot of fun with it.  Here is the first week’s pictures:

Day 1: Peace
Day 2: skyline
Day 3: something you wore today
Day 4: Fun!
Day 5: bird
(as I was taking this picture, Peachy grabbed the bird cat toy I was using. I thought it was cute so I used it as it was.)
Day 6: Me
(I just realized that my caption on my picture says day 5 instead of 6, but this is the day 6 photo even though it is a really bad picture of me.)
Day 7: someone who inspires you
This has been a lot of fun so far.  I hope to share the rest of the month with you as well? 

Want to follow me on Instagram?  I am cmhutchison22.

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