Random Life

This past weekend my sister in law and her family were visiting! I love spending time with Mr. RCGG’s family! His sister was my matron of honor in our wedding and I love FINALLY having sisters! (Siblings in general since my husband has three sisters and two brothers.)

Anyways, they got here on Friday evening and stayed until early this morning! My niece asked my brother in law to do her senior pictures so all weekend the two of them were running around town and the house taking pictures! They turned out so great!

We went to the auction on Saturday and I got an old porcelain doll! Every time there is any kind of doll we try to get it because I have always loved dolls. I will eventually have then displayed somewhere, but right now they are all still packed away in the basement!

Sunday was more picture taking for my niece and brother in law! They finished that up on Monday and ended up with about 450 pictures!

I am going to be getting back into the every day blogging! I usually take breaks over the weekend, but sometimes that ends up being longer than I wanted it to be!

I’m looking for a blog designer! Who did you use? Did you like them?

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