Randoms About Me

I figured that since this blog is called Random Crafty Georgia Girl, I would let you into some randoms that make up me.

Are you ready?  Here we go:

1.) I want to open a bakery someday. I love baking and cake decorating and want to have my own bakery so I can bake and decorate. I would not decorate on Ace of Cakes and Cake Boss levels though. That is way too big for my beginner knowledge.

2.) I am 28 years old and not really fearing turning 30 in two years. I don’t really like that I will be 30 in two years, but I am not afraid of it.

3.) My favorite flowers are daisies.  I love them.  I also love sunflowers.  I can’t really explain why I love daisies, but my love of sunflowers has to do with how they turn their heads up towards the sun at mid day.  It is just beautiful.

4.) My cat, Ollie, is addicted to treats.  She has to have them every time someone comes in the door.  Peaches likes them, but doesn’t have to have them constantly.

5.) My favorite show is One Tree Hill.  I have watched it since the fourth or fifth episode and it just started its 8th season last week.

6.) I still sleep with a teddy bear.  Yes, I know I am 28 years old.  Yes, I know teddy bears are supposed to be for children.  I have never slept without one and I don’t intend to start sleeping without one.  I have slept with the current one for 9 years.  N gave him to me for our second Christmas together.  His name is Purple Bear.  He is purple.  Go figure right?

7.) All my stuffed animals but one are boys.  I have always given my stuffed animals genders.  It makes them seem real to me.  The only one that is not a boy is Kitty.  She is the only girl.  I also talk to my stuffed animals.  And Ollie.  They answer me too. 

8.) I love Tinkerbell.  That is all there is to this random fact since I don’t know why.  I just do that’s why.

9.) My favorite meal is sloppy joe’s and mashed potatoes.  Not sloppy joe sandwiches.  Mashed potatoes on a plate with the sloppy joe’s on top.  That’s just how my momma used to make and that is how I will make it.  It is good.

10.) My favorite movie is Wizard of Oz.  I have loved it since I was little.  My dad sent me a picture recently of my aunt and me watching it on TV.  I was still a baby and wasn’t the least bit interested.  Haha!  Now I watch it as often as possible. 

11.) I love Rainbow Brite.  She was my hero when I was 5.  I wanted to be Rainbow Brite.  I wanted to bring color to the world.

12.) I love the Indianapolis Colts.  They are the only football team that I know more than a couple players names. 

13.) My favorite snack is Cheez-its and milk.  It sounds weird, but it is really good.  This is one of those things that I stumbled upon one day and have been eating ever since.  I’m not even sure how I happened to stumble across this.  It has to be the regular Cheez-its though.  Not any of the crazy new flavors the have out now.  And not Cheese Nips either.  Those are just gross. 

14.) I was in two musicals in high school.  My freshman year, I was a princess in Once Upon A Matteress.  It is a spoof of The Princess and the Pea.  My junior year, I was a nurse in South Pacfic.  I think you know what that one is about.  If not, well you need to find out.

15.) I love candles.  I don’t have a favorite scent of candles.  I just love candles.  I want to have candles all over my house someday.

16.) I hate wearing dresses.  I am a t-shirt and yoga pants girl.  I will wear jeans or shorts when I go out with N.

17.) Another snack that I love is french onion dip and Frito Scoops.

18.) I love Publix sweetened tea.  It is the best tea I have ever had.  I have probably drank a whole gallon to myself.

19.) In high school my senior year, I took a law class.  It was a very popular elective course.  We learned about lawyer type stuff.  We held a mock trial of the Kennedy assaination.  Each class member was assigned a character to play.  We were supposed to research that person and then play them at the trial.  I was Marina Oswald, Lee Harvey Oswald’s wife.  The teacher said I was the best Marina Oswald he had ever seen. 

20.) That same teacher also said I had a good theroy about the whole Kennedy Conspiracy.  You know the whole was there a second gunman on the grassy knoll or did Oswald work alone thing?  Well, I came up with the theory that he did work alone.  However,  he did not come up with the idea to kill President Kennedy on his own.  Someone gave him the idea.  That person was…. Vice-President Johnson.  He wanted to be president so he hired Oswald to kill Kennedy.  My teacher asked me then if Johnson hired Oswald then where did Jack Ruby, the guy that killed Oswald when they were transporting him to jail, come in to the picture.  I told him Jackie hired him to kill the guy that killed her husband.  Mr. Martin, my teacher, said that he had never thought of it that way.

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2 Responses to Randoms About Me

  1. Wingnut says:

    Our likes/dislikes are completely opposite, but I think your blog is great 🙂 I *love* football…Baltimore Ravens are my team! I hate Wizard of Oz…think the Wicked story is much better 😛

    On the other hand, I am *so* making that ghost “boy” next weekend!

    Keep up the good work. I’ll be back!

  2. Amie says:

    Omg…I still sleep with a teddy bear too (though I’m only 23.) And all of them are boys too, I can’t even think of one that’s a girl.
    Amie @ http://kittycatsandairplanes.blogspot.com

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