Product mentioned in my video:
Turbie Twist
I am so proud this week of our nephew, Munchkin. He learned to ride his bike with no training wheels.
When he showed me, I told him I was so proud of him. He asked me why I was proud and I told him that it was because he was riding with no training wheels and that it is a huge accomplishment in a child’s life. He had a huge smile on his face when I told him that. I love that kid.
Also, this week my cousin tried out for the Saluki Dazzlers. It is the dance team that performs with the Marching Salukis. She found out last Monday night that she made the team. I am so proud of her too.
If you would like to participate in Stop and Smell the Roses then head on over to House of Rose Blog and check out the details.
Thanks for stopping by and don’t forget to take time every day to stop and smell the roses.
Looks like your nephew is doing a great job with no training wheels! Riding like a pro! Thanks for letting us know about the turbie twist!
Munchkin loves riding his bike. He is going to have to get a new one soon though because the one he has now is too small for him.
THE TURBIE TWIST! My college roommate loved those things 🙂 I wish I would have been smart enough to invent that little contraption!
I know what you mean! I wish I would have thought of so many of these cool ideas that are out there.
Interesting…I have never heard of this turbie twist! I wish I could let my hair air dry, but it gets curly and nasty so I have to blow dry it. Yay for your nephew riding his bike!!!
I love it. I usually use the blow dryer for after I color my hair. I usually air dry it and then out it in a ponytail or bun. Then when I wake up I will straighten it.
I have a couple of turbie twists in my bathroom closet right now! I think my mom got them for me in college. Yay for your nephew riding with no training wheels! I am looking forward to that moment with my boys, but a little petrified all at the same time. 🙂
I know I will love that moment as a mom too, but also be scared at the same time!