Sunday loves is my new favorite post of the week! Some weeks it may be a little later than others, but I will definitely try to have it up every week before the next Sunday. =)
This past week we had a lot going on! It made for a long weekend but it was a good week! I’ll do a bigger recap of Turtle Crawl later in the month but we had so much fun walking the mile fun run on Saturday!
We were busy from Thursday through the whole weekend! Mr. RCGG was off work on Thursday so we went to visit a friend. We had a great time with him and it was good to catch up!
On Friday, I wasn’t feeling too well! I didn’t take my allergy pill on Thursday and I was definitely feeling it. I spent the day packing for our trip to Jekyll Island though and as soon as we crossed the bridge onto the island I instantly felt better. There’s just something about Jekyll Island that makes me at peace! We were there for only one night but it was well worth it! I’ll do a bigger recap of our night and day there later! We were there for the Turtle Crawl fun run on Saturday.

Saturday morning was the fun run and it was a lot of fun! I can’t wait to do another one! The fun run was at 9 AM so we had the rest of the day to hang out and walk along the beach!

We came home on Saturday evening. It was such a good trip even if it was just a quick one. On Sunday morning we woke up and decided that we were going to Lowe’s to get paint and flooring for our upstairs bathroom. So we got paint at Lowe’s, but they didn’t have the flooring we wanted so we went to Home Depot. I’ll do a before and after post when we have it done! So far it looks really good!
That’s my Sunday loves for this past week. What were you loving last week?