Every now and then I like to keep my posts a little lighter instead of constantly posting recipes and crafts! I like to have fun just like everyone else. I wanted to share things you don’t know about me. Let’s see how many of these you knew and how many are new to you!
I didn’t know until high school that grilled cheese was actually something you could have for lunch and dinner. My grandma always made it for me for breakfast and I thought it was a breakfast food until I was 17!

When I was two or three I had an immature esophagus. My mom said that my breathing sounded like an idling tractor trailer when I slept. Around this time I figured out how to open the fridge on my own and found out that I could reach the pickles. I would take a pickle and a drink from the jar. Not long after i started doing this my breathing cleared up and I haven’t had any breathing problems since. I may still drink pickle juice! Haha!

I like British tv shows! It is no secret that my favorite show is Downton Abbey. I have recently found a few others that I like. Right now I’m watching Reign on Netflix.

I love using composition notebooks. I use them for so many different things! I use them for writing recipes, journaling, random ideas, etc. I even have some that I haven’t used yet!

Did you learn something about me today? What is something about you that people may not know? I’d love to hear about it! Tell me on my facebook page!
People would be shocked at the number of dry shriveled pickles I have found in the bottom of the pickle jars! AND now you can buy gallons of just pickle juice!
Haha! Yeah, Mr. RCGG can probably say the same thing! I try to have them all eaten before the juice is gone but sometimes it doesn’t happen!!