There are so many things that I want to do this summer. Most of them take place in Atlanta. There is so much history in the city that you can’t take it all in with one visit. It may sound odd, but we want to go tour Oakland Cemetary. This cemetary has over 3000 Confederate soliders buried there. Nathan loves the Civil War and I am also becoming excited about it too. This cemetary also is the final resting place of Margaret Mitchell, the author of Gone With the Wind. I also want to go to the aquarium. It amazes me that there are so many fish in one place. It also amazes me that so much water can be held in the tanks without breaking the arches that go over you. I want to go to more baseball games. Hopefully, we will be able to go to the Braves/Cubs game next week. I’m not sure about that yet. I want to go to the zoo as well. I have been to the St. Louis zoo before, but I never got to see the animals I wanted for some reason. I wanted to see the lions. monkeys, and zebras. We never got to any of them. I love lions. They have always been my favorite animal. I also love monkeys. They are just so cute swinging from the trees and all the other cute stuff they do. Anyways, I will definitly get pictures of everything we do this summer and put up to share.