Sometimes you don’t have to go very far to see something new in your area! You can totally find something new in your town! Living in Savannah Georgia has brought so many new places for us to explore!
One of our favorite things to do is just to get out and explore what God has put right in front of us! I’d like to share with you some of our favorite touristy things to do in the Savannah and Hilton Head area! Sometimes finding things that you might think are only something that tourists would be interested in are the things that may end up becoming your favorite things about your town!
The best way to find the best tourist attractions in your area are to use your area’s tourism website. You can find some great things to do that you may not have even known were there.

Some of our favorite tourist sites in the Savannah and Hilton Head area are definitely the historical ones! We love exploring the history of the civil war. Mr. RCGG loves that era of history and just in the Savannah area we have three forts. Fort Pulaski and Fort McCallister (pictured above) are civil war forts and Old Fort Jackson is a Revolutionary and other wars fort.
We also love going to different restaurants that we may not have tried before! There are so many that have such great food and you never know what’s there until you try it! Mr. RCGG has tried a lot more places during his days at work but we always go to them together so that I can try them too!
Take some time to just explore what is in your area. There is so much information on the tourism websites and you can even ask others what their favorite things to do are. You may just find your new favorite place!
What are your favorite tourist things to do in your town?