Wee Bit Wednesday 7-20

Today is my 29th birthday!  =)  Happy birthday to me!!

{one} what is your dream job?
Someday I want to open a bakery.  I love baking.

{two} how many best friends do you have?
Two. N and Caryn.
{three} what’s the longest road trip you’ve ever taken?
Any trip I have taken with N to PA. 

{four} if you had to do one single thing every day for the next year, what would it be?
I don’t know.  I haven’t thought about this.

{five} what’s one story your family always tells about you?
When I was in junior high my cousin was about 2 or 3.  My grandma took her to day care every day.  One day I had forgotten something I needed for school.  I was trying to tell my teacher that my grandma wasn’t home because she took my cousin to day care and I didn’t know where it was.  Well she didn’t have a lot of common sense.  She thought I was trying to tell her that I didn’t know where my grandma’s house was. So when she called my parents she told them that I didn’t know where my grandma lived. 

{six} how did your parents pick your name?
A book character

{seven} what’s the one thing that scares you more than anything?
Severe storms.  The ones with tornados. I HATE THEM SO MUCH!

{eight} are you a good cook?
I think so.  I don’t cook very often right now, but I will be starting to make dinner again a couple of nights a week soon.

{nine} where do you see yourself in 20 years?

Married, a couple of older kids.

{ten} what’s your best childhood memory?
Climbing trees.  I love it.  I would come home from school and go right into the tree.  Sometimes I would stay there until my parents came home from work.

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