Week in Review

I know this is a day late, but I didn’t get online hardly at all yesterday. Here are the projects I fell in love with this week.

I think I over use the word “cute” on my blog so I am trying to think of different adjectives for cute.

Anyways, Vintage Pollyanna made an ADORABLE headboard for her son’s bed.

A Dream Home made a wreath for fall.

At 9 o’clock Dance of Joy there is a chalkboard made from a picture frame. I think that is a great idea.

I think that does it for this week! Sorry it was a little later than usual. Next week I will be back on time, I PROMISE!! Have a great week and check back tomorrow for a special edition of Crafty Tuesday. I havesomething great lined up that I know you will enjoy.

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2 Responses to Week in Review

  1. Allison says:

    Thanks for featuring me!!!

  2. Kenzie says:

    Thanks for the feature!

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