Where Have You Been RCGG?

Where the hell have you been RCGG? Well I’d like to say that I was out travelling around the world and having a blast but the truth is that I’ve been so busy with school and house work that I have just been a really crappy blogger this year! So bad that I let my blog hosting lapse this year and I had my bluehost account suspended. I just got off a chat with their support and I was able to get it renewed! So I’m back and ready to go.

So what’s been going on in the RCGG world? I have been working on some new content in the last few months. I’ll be sharing that very soon. The new content is going to be so much fun. I have had a YouTube channel for years and have never done much with it. Especially after House of Rose stopped doing Stop and Smell the Roses vlogs. She has stopped blogging all together now but doing those videos has always been something I loved and I want to continue with video content. I recently bought a small video camera and I have made a few videos already. I’m working on editing them and I’ll have one or two up next week or the week after. I’m looking forward to this new venture in the RCGG world. It is going to be a mix of crafts, DIY projects, recipes, and every day life.

I’m also working on being more active in my facebook group Random Crafty Georgia Girl Community and the Random Craft Georgia Girl Facebook page. I’ll post the videos there as well as on the blog and YouTube.

I have also neglected my newsletter and I’ll be getting that up and going again in the next few weeks. I’m wanting to be able to get a newsletter out to ya’ll monthly if not two times a month. In the newletter I share what’s been going on during the month and some behind the scenes of the RCGG world. I haven’t blogged in so long and I really missed it.

So what’s really been going on in the RCGG world since my last post in DECEMBER? I couldn’t believe it was that long ago that I wrote a post! See, I told you I have been a crappy blogger this year! Well, Mr. RCGG and I have been living our best life! He’s been working and helping me with whatever housework he can. He’s really great about helping me catch up on whatever needs to be done. My parents came to visit in April. This was the first time I had seen my dad since 2019. There was some stuff that went on and I hadn’t seen him in a long time. I’m not going into detail what exactly that stuff was because I don’t share that much into my personal life with ya’ll. Anyway, it was a great visit! I’ll get a post up with everything we did and a few more updates later.

We also went to the Fort Worth Zoo a few months ago. We had so much fun and I may have seen the lions several times during the day! I love lions. I’d have one as a pet if I could!

Over the Labor Day weekend we went to South Padre island for the first time. We loved it. It was our first time seeing the gulf coast and the water is so blue! It was so much prettier than what we were used to at Jekyll Island and St. Simon’s Island. Charlie loved the beach. He was a little rambunctious during the day when there were so many people out there but we took him back later in the evening around sunset and he loved running through tide pools and jumping over the waves coming in. It was starting to rain when we were out and at home he refuses to go outside when it is raining. He didn’t even care that he was getting wet though. I’ll get an update post on that for ya’ll too.

So as you can see it’s been quite a year for the RCGG family. I can’t wait to see what the rest of the year has for us. I’ll get the YouTube channel going and those updates ready to go. Now I have to take Charlie out since he’s at the back door whining. Have a great day and…


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