5 Ways to Self Care During Quarantine

Our world is in so much chaos right now! There are so many heartbreaks with COVID-19 spreading over the world that the only thing we can do to stop it from getting worse is to stay home if you are a non-essential employee.

So by now we have been under shelter in place orders from our state or our town mayors for two weeks until farther notice. I’m sure some of us are starting to get a little bit of cabin fever going on. I work from home so I know how it can be when you haven’t been out in a few days. Sometimes you need to take a little bit of time for yourself away from the spouse and the tiny humans. Today, I’m sharing some great ways for self care during quarantine.

There are the usual self care ideas that seem to be on everyone’s list. Take a bath, do your nails, etc. I wanted to share ways that were a little different. Some ways that you don’t really see all the time.

My favorite way for self care in a quarantine or not is to read. I have always loved reading. Right now, I’m reading Writers and Lovers by Lily King. There are no chapter numbers so I am not sure what chapter I’m on, but the chapters are short so it goes pretty fast.

You can also color or draw! There are so many coloring books out there now! You can also find pictures online to color.

Dance around the house! Turn on your favorite music and dance like no one is watching! If someone is watching make them dance too! Turn it into a quarantined dance party! One of my favorite songs to dance to is I like to Move it. The original version is good but the King Julien version from the movie Madagascar is definitely my favorite! Haha!

Start a journal. Write about your feelings from day to day about what is going on in your mind, your family, in the world, etc. during this time! I don’t know about you but I sometimes keep my emotions to myself because I have a hard time forming what I want to say from my thoughts. So I write things down and then I’m able to just read it so I don’t get frustrated. This might help a lot of other people to keep calm and not panic during this time.

Another way to take some time for yourself during this quarantine is to call a friend! I know I’m due to call my BFF. Sometimes you just need to hear a friend’s voice instead of reading a text. We decided yesterday to put cupcake mail on hold until everything calms down. She lives in the Chicago area and it could be the next big hot spot soon.

Keeping yourself busy as well as calm is the best way to self care during this time. We just need to remain calm and know that God is with us!

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