A Letter to Myself 8-31-19

Have you ever written a letter to yourself as a way to look back on things you wanted to do? I wrote this August 31 2019 after finishing Girl Wash Your Face by Rachael Hollis. She suggested writing a letter to your future self from your persistence and this was what I wrote.

Dear Cate,
This is your persistence! Here’s what I want you to know. Things in life get hard! Like REALLY HARD! BUT you will get through them. Some of them may be out of your control but you will get through them! As for the things that you do have control over YOU ARE GOING TO ROCK THEM! Not only through God’s help but through the help of others. They may not know it, but their prayers are lifted to God in your name! They may not know they are praying for you, but God knows.

God knows what His plan for you is before you were even born and He has a plan for you! It will come to you in HIS TIME. It may be with the help of other, but His plan will happen.

You will fight hard to pursue your dream of becoming a writer. It will not be overnight and will take months or even years to be a successful writer. If you work hard and think about how much this means to you, you can make this dream happen. Write that first draft! Write that second draft! Don’t think about it! JUST WRITE!

You will go back to school! You will work hard to get good grades and you will graduate! This is something you have wanted to do for a long time! Going back to school will help you learn more about writing so you can achieve your dream of becoming a writer! It will help you decide what you want your story to be about! It may be bad at first because what first draft is perfect, but it will get better!

You have so many people cheering for you! You are an amazing person, and they want you to know how much you are loved! You will get through all the bad moments you have had in your life! Lots of love, support, and prayer will show you just how to knock it out of the park!

Love Cate

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One Response to A Letter to Myself 8-31-19

  1. DaMomma says:

    My favorite verse is in Jeremiah, for I know the plans I have for you!

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