Fab Friday

Every Friday is Fab Friday over at The Everyday Joys where you talk time to shout out some of the fab things that happened over the past week.

Here are my Fabs for the week.

We had a great vacation. I should have probably said this last week, but we were on our vacation last Friday and I didn’t blog anything during that time. We went to Andersonville GA and Savannah GA. It was so much fun. I am already planning our next trip to Savannah.

Mr. RCGG came home Wednesday with my Valentine’s Day roses. He didn’t get them last Thursday because we were leaving for our trip that day and he wanted me to enjoy them. He has gotten me roses every year that we have been together.

I am getting some great future Operation Be More Crafty ideas and can’t wait to share them.

Cupcake Mail is going a little slow right now. I haven’t gotten anything for my best girlfriends yet, but I plan to get something going before Easter.

These are my Fabs for the week. What are yours?

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One Response to Fab Friday

  1. I’m visiting from the Fab Friday link up. We have a vacation coming up in just a few weeks and can’t wait! Glad yours was a good one!

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