I am so glad it is finally Friday! This week seemed like it has just dragged on and on! I’m making Friday my day for random things that have come to me during the week. Some may be serious. While others may be totally goofy and off the wall! So, starting today, we have Friday Randoms!
I’m trying to get this Southern Special link up together and I think it’s going to be great! I have two people interested in co-hosting and I’m so excited to work with them! If you didn’t see my post about the details you can check it out here! I think it is going to be fun!

Southern Special link up coming soon! Share your southern comfort food recipes, crafts, home decor, southern architecture, southern classic style, fashion, and traditions.
I still need to figure out how to get my social media buttons made! I need Mr. RCGG’s help! He knows a little HTML and he is always willing to help me out with the blog if I need it! AND I NEED IT!
I always want Chic Fil A on Sundays! It never fails. Also when I ask if we can go Mr. RCGG says we can go on Sunday and then go to Hobby Lobby and make a day of it! I always give him that sarcastic HAHA! He doesn’t like Hobby Lobby along with every other husband in the world!
Have you been watching the Olympics? We have watched some of them and I’m not really liking them this year. Our localĀ NBC station has tried to refrain from spoilers on Facebook, but there is ALWAYS the people that comment saying they are so glad that this person won gold or that person didn’t do as well as they should have. Also the new trending thing on Facebook has been spoiling them for me too! Oh well. That’s how social media has made us. We want to know results of things before they show us on TV!
Hope you had a good weekend!
Hi! Thanks so much! We had a great weekend! Thanks for stopping by! =)