Southern Special Link Up

Do you love the south? There is just something about it that makes me happy! I love the history, the comfort foods, the home decor, the architecture, and the fashion. There’s just something about the south!

Anyways, this is where I’m going with this! I had this idea to share recipes, crafts, landscaping, home decor architecture and fashion in a link up! I would love for you to share any of these things with the link up! Any craft would be great actually since there really isn’t a distinct southern crafting style. (At least I don’t think there is!)

Southern SpecialI’m still working out details so I haven’t gone live with this yet. I just wanted to throw the idea out there to get you ready for it! I am looking for co hosts though so if you would like to co host please contact me at and put Southern Special in the subject!

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