How I Turn a Bad Day Better

Have you ever had one of those days where nothing seems to go right from the moment you wake up to the time you go to bed? I think we all have those days and have our own little ways of making them somewhat better.

One of my favorite ways to make a bad day a little better is to pop this movie into the DVD player.

I have loved this movie since I was three years old and have watched it so many times that I lost count. It is my favorite movie and I know every single line forwards and backwards (at least that’s what my dad says.) Oz can make any day better for me. It may not seem like it, but it really is a feel good movie. It gives me that feeling of getting away to another place where there are people that just want to help. The scarecrow, tinman, and lion may want their own things from the wizard, but they also want to make sure that Dorothy gets what she wants in the end!

Another way I turn a bad day better is just lay with my Ollie cat! I mean look at this face? How can you be in a bad mood with a cute little girl like this in your life?

She melts away any bad mood, but she will also put you to sleep, but then a nap seems to help sometimes too! I love listening to her snore. She is the only cat I have had that snores and it is so cute! Mr. RCGG says it sounds like the little noises I make in my sleep sometimes.

What do you do when you have a bad day?

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