Life Changes

We thought Savannah would be our forever home. We had worked so hard to get there and we loved living in one of our favorite cities! Sometimes life throws you a curve ball though! We are now back in the Metro Atlanta area. Mr. RCGG took a management position with his job and we moved at the end of May. There have been so many life changes for us over the past year. Some good and some bad. The good have outnumbered the bad though and I thank God for that!

We have explored a couple of places so far and found Warm Springs Georgia. This is a small quiet town where President FDR built a cottage to escape from the hustle and bustle of political life. He also came down for the hot springs. These hot springs helped with his polio rehabilitation. The cottage that he had built was called The Little White House. He was actually visiting when he passed away in 1945. I did not know that he had died here. I thought that he was not feeling well and then went back to Washington DC and passed on the way back. Warm Springs is beautiful and I can see why he made it his getaway place. I’ll do an updated post with some pictures from other places we visit too!

We have so much left to explore and learn about our new area! I’ll be sure to share what we find with you here and on the Facebook page!

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