Life Has a Way

Have you ever noticed that life has a way of kicking you down? I know I haven’t posted anything in a long time because life has been kicking me in the butt recently! School is getting harder for me and I have been working most days on my homework instead of putting together blog posts. Charlie tries to help write my discussion posts so they end up taking longer than usual because I have to delete what he typed while walking across the keyboard. If he’s not trying to help with my schoolwork he’s chasing Cami or barking a high pitched bark that echos in my ears! The latter especially in the mornings right after he wakes me up by jumping on me.

Don’t get me wrong! I love my little dude so much but I don’t like being jumped on every single morning. He’s getting better about it and a few days a week he sleeps in to about 9:30 instead of 8:00.

I started journaling again. Just as a way to get my thoughts from the day out of my head. It helps me to write things out sometimes.

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