Newnan Strong

Just after midnight on Friday March 26 the town we live in was hit with an EF4 tornado. Most of the damage to the town was in the main downtown area which is a mile away from our house. We did not have any damage other than our power being out for about 38 hours. We lost all the food in our fridge and only a few things in our freezer. Our meat was still frozen solid. I thank God that we were fortunate to dodge this storm but there are others that were not so lucky! There are areas of town that were completely flattened.

The tornado came so close to our house. We could hear it just as the warning sirens stopped. You know how you are always told that a tornado sounds like a freight train roaring down the tracks? Yeah, that’s exactly what it sounded like. The tornado was an EF 4. This would be the equivalent to a category 5 hurricane! The winds in this tornado were 175 mph! There’s only an EF5 above that! I haven’t seen any confirmations on this but there have been reports of the tornado having multiple (at least 3) vortexes come out of the mile and a half wide funnel!

The lightening we saw from our house was actually inside the funnel of the tornado! It was so crazy to see it and with the tornado being so close to us I’m surprised we didn’t see it!

I just wanted to give y’all an update about what happened and let you know that we are fine! Please keep those that have lost everything in your prayers though! There are still some people without power today and there is still a lot of clean up to do!

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