5 Things You Should Have in Your Home Binder

After Mr. RCGG and I moved to Savannah, I created a home binder. I wanted somewhere to keep our important information in one place as well as addresses, birthday lists, emergency contacts, and emergency stock up lists (for hurricane season.)

There’s many reasons for having a home binder, but I’m touching on the five reasons I use one. Besides wanting a place to keep important information and the information listed above I wanted somewhere to keep lists of restaurants, day trip and travel ideas.

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How to Make a Watermelon Wreath for Summer

I love seeing wreaths on front doors. I think it makes it look like home and reflects the personality of the people that live there.  You can have something simple or something really fancy. For several years, I have been trying to figure out a wreath for the summer for our door. I just couldn’t get anything to look like it looked in my head. Until this year!!! I finally had an idea for a summer wreath that turned out better than what I was imagining it.

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Summer Reading Challenge

One of my favorite hobbies is reading. There’s just something about getting lost in a book that relaxes me. Over the years though I have found it a little harder to find time to sit down and read. There’s always something that needs to be done first or I’m just exhausted at the end of the day and fall asleep before I even read the first sentence.

So that’s where my summer reading challenge was created! I find that I meet goals better if I have other people to keep me accountable. I wanted to do more with my summer other than just sit on the couch watching netflix, tv, and playing online or on my phone. I wanted to go back to the days of summer reading programs at libraries. I’m so glad that there are still libraries that do this! I LOVED the summer reading program at my hometown library!

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Welcome Home Mr. & Mrs. RCGG- The RCGG’s Buy a House

The past two months have been such a blur that I got behind in anything blog related! So where in the world has Random Crafty Georgia Girl been? Well, in early March, Mr. RCGG and I saw a house that we liked on realtor.com. A friend of ours is a real estate agent so we contacted her to see the house. We put in an offer the night we saw it and accepted a counter offer the next day. The rest of March involved getting our loan squared away. When April came we had a closing date and then we moved on a Sunday afternoon!

Welcome Home Mr. & Mrs, RCGG! The RCGGs bought a house!

A few of Mr. RCGG’s friends from work came to help us move and it went so fast that we had all the furniture out of our apartment in just under two hours! We drove the moving tuck the two miles from our apartment complex to our subdivision and had the truck unloaded in about 45 minutes. It really was the easiest move I have ever made! The hardest part was packing! I was getting frustrated the last few days with it and started labeling boxes random crap! HAHA!

We have been busy unpacking and deciding where we want things to go. Our home is starting to come along and look like a home instead of a storage unit! =) I’m working on a big Virtual Home Tour for the summer! I’ll share pictures, have guest posters, a blog hop, AND A GIVEAWAY from  Southern Grace Signs. 

There’s going to be so much fun stuff going on that I can’t wait to share it with you! I will have everything organized and ready by mid summer!

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Ways to Take Time for Yourself- Self Care

I am truly sorry for not posting in over a month! Things have been really busy around here. Mr. RCGG and I have exciting news to share, but I”l write my own post about that! Today I’d like to share a post from a friend of mine!

Bonnie and I recently met in one of my favorite blogging Facebook groups, Shield Sisters Sanctuary. We have had a great time getting to know each other and I’m so glad that she was able to help me out during this busy time.

We may hear it all the time, but self-care is super important for our well being and health. We can’t pour from an empty cup, so if we want to be able to take care of other people and tasks, then we need to put in the time to take care of ourselves as well.

Fitting in self-care is always good in thought, and much easier said than done. In the busy lives we lead, it may seem almost impossible to fit in any time for ourselves. How do you find the time, how do you find the routine that works, and what do you even do for self-care?

When it comes to finding the time for self-care, that is really up to you. If there is a time of day that is “lighter” or less intense than another, that would be a great place to start. For me personally, I need a little self-care in the morning, but most of it is in the evening after the kids are in bed.

As you work on creating the habit of self-care, you will slip into a routine of sorts. That doesn’t mean that it will always be easy to fit it in, but it will come more naturally and without as much effort.

Things you can do daily:

  • Write in a journal or blog
  • Read a book you find intriguing, whether it’s fiction, non-fiction, self-help, or something else
  • Listen to music, find something relaxing or upbeat to listen to and maybe even dance and sing you stress away
  • Take a walk
  • Play and be silly, with kids or pets in your life
  • Hot shower/bath
  • Watch a comedy
  • Think about, or even write down, what you like about yourself- inside and out
  • Think about positive things that have happened today and start focusing your attention on those
  • Remind yourself that you are worth it and that you are beautiful
  • Eat nutritious foods
  • Drink plenty of water

Things that you can do often:

  • Call a friend to just chat or to talk things out
  • Sit down and color, in a kid or an adult coloring book
  • Pamper yourself with a movie, manicure or pedicure, haircut, hike, or visiting a museum
  • Celebrate all of your victories

Things that you can do occasionally (or more often):

  • Take time off of work, either from your job if you can, or from housework and everyday tasks
  • Go on vacation
  • Attend social events or groups that you are interested in
  • Buy yourself something nice, just because
  • Reward yourself for your hard work

Remember that even something small or short-lasting can do you a world of good. So, fit in five minutes here and five minutes there. It all adds up!

Author: Bonnie McConaughy writes articles for businesses that tailor to their clients’ needs. Her articles have appeared on Quill, Unique Gifter, and Beyond Your Blog, among others. She has a strong passion for blogging, entrepreneur, health and wellness, and personal development topics. You can find her at www.bmcconaughy.weebly.com.

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March Thursday Stream of Mind

I have not had a chance to sit down and plan out my post ideas for March yet. So today you are getting a Thursday stream of mind post! Before you know it March is going to be over and I won’t have anything posted.

There’s been a lot going on over the past couple of weeks. I’ll update you on that very soon! It’s actually pretty big news!

Spring started to show. Then the temperatures got cooler again! Hopefully it will warm up again soon! I mean the first day of Spring is coming up in a couple of weeks!

I’m excited that Timeless is back on. I have been watching the first season on Hulu to get up to date. I did watch every episode when it was on last year but that was so long ago! Have you seen this show? It is about a group that go back in time to historical locations to try to stop the villain from changing history.

Speaking of tv shows. I started watching Parks and Recreation on Netflix. Before watching, I wasn’t sure about it. I’m not a fan of politics so I wasn’t sure if I would like it. I’m on season 4 now and it is so funny! I love it!

I’m not a fan if the time change right now! I feel like I’m so behind on my day because I’m waking up an hour later than I usually do. It throws my whole day off and then I feel like I haven’t done anything all day! It will take around two weeks for me to feel like my body and mind are back on schedule. After the time change, do you look at the clock and think oh it’s 3:26, but it’s really 2:26? I know some people that do that and I always think, NO! It is 3:26 because the clock says it is. I do like that Mr. RCGG will start getting home from work when it is still light out though! He hates driving home in the dark because it makes his commute feel longer.

So I can’t really think of anything else right now! I guess that’s the end of my March Stream of Mind! Haha! I hope you have a great week!




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Budget Friendly Valentine’s Day 2018

Valentine’s Day is coming up soon! Some people go all out on Valentine’s Day and some just like to keep it low-key. Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to put you in debt. There’s simple things you can do to make your Valentine’s Day budget friendly!

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Super Bowl Party Snacks- Philly and New England Style

Super Bowl Sunday was this weekend! Are you an Eagles fan or a Patriots fan? To be completely honest, I’m not a fan of either team. Being a Colts fan, I just cannot like the Pats. (We are still bitter about Deflategate.) I was more interested in the halftime show this year! I mean you can’t go wrong with Justin Timberlake!

Did you host a Super Bowl party? Or go to a Super Bowl party? Today  I’m showing you what I made for our at home not really watching the Super Bowl party! Haha! We watched but just had it on in the background. These recipes are Philly and New England inspired.

Random Crafty Georgia Girl Super Bowl Party Snacks Ham and Cheese Sliders

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Challenge Yourself in 2018

A new year always makes me want to try something new! It’s usually a new workout plan that I give up on halfway through the month. In 2018, I want to make sure I challenge myself. I also encourage you to do something that you have never done before.

I have challenged myself to learn new crochet stitches and get at least 4000 steps every day. My step goal is 3000 and I have gone over that almost every day this month.


As for the crochet stitches, I’m slowly learning a granny square right now. I’m watching you tube videos on how to make them and the most recent granny square I have been working on is looking more circular than square. at the moment. BUT that’s okay because at least it is even! Haha! I am practicing and I’m hoping to make a granny square afghan by the end of the summer.

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Winter Snowflake Wreath- A Tutorial

After you have taken down your Christmas decorations your front door looks a little bare without a wreath on it! I almost always have a wreath on our front door. I think it is part of what makes our apartment home. I made a snowflake wreath for our door just after Christmas.


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