I have done this post before with Ollie and Peachy and then again with Peachy and Chester. I decided to do it again with Cami and Charlie.
Do you have a nickname? Cami said: Mommy and Daddy thought I was a girl until I got a bit older! That’s why my name is spelled with an i at the end. Anyway, Mommy calls me Cami Cat, buddy, and baby boy Daddy calls me Cameron and buddy
Charlie said: My name is King Charles Alfred Lavon. Mommy calls me Charlie Bear, buddy, buds, sleepy bug, and bugs. Daddy calls me Charlton Heston, and buddy.
What is your favorite time of day? Cami said: When Daddy comes home from work. Charlie’s naptime because he’s not chasing me, Bedtime after Charlie has curled up under the blankets because I get to play with my laser without Charlie running after it too.
Charlie said: Breakfast, playtime with my brother, naptime, outside playtime, when Daddy gets home from work, dinner, after dinner playtime, bedtime
What’s your favorite treat? Cami said: I like my blue food, American Journey treats and Tuna Fridays
Charlie said: I love carrots and blueberries. Mommy gives me a blue buffalo bone every night at bedtime. I haven’t found many foods that I don’t like yet!
What is your favorite toy?
Cami said: My laser
Charlie said: My Buccee Beaver that Cami got me for Christmas and my duck that Yay Yay (Mommy’s momma) got me when she came to visit.
What is your favorite thing to do during the day?
Cami said: Running around with Charlie but also sleeping in my condo in the front bedroom
Charlie said: Running around with Cami, playing with Mommy and taking a nap on the couch while Mommy does her schoolwork
Cami is two years old. He loves his little brother even if he doesn’t show it sometimes. He’s such a great big brother to Charlie. We weren’t sure how Cami was going to react to him at first but they have become best friends.
Charlie is a seven month old long haired dachshund. He’s grown so much since we got him in September! He’s lost most of his baby teeth and is starting to get his long hair. He loves giving kisses and cuddling up under the blankets at night.
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At the beginning of 2022 we had no idea where we would be! Mr. RCGG was nearing the end of his two year contract with his job so we were looking at options on where to go next or stay in the Atlanta area. Neither one of us wanted to stay in Atlanta so he put in applications to a couple of jobs in Savannah. Manager jobs in his former area had come up and we wanted back there so much. He interviewed for one and didn’t get it. A few months later another job came up in the same station. He applied for it as well but wasn’t able to get the senior manager to agree to a virtual interview so he withdrew his application.
Fast forward to March. He had a vacation and we decided to go to Texas for Spring at the Silos in Waco. We made a whole big trip out of it. When we got back to Georgia we realized that we really liked Texas. It felt like home to us! He found a position in the Dallas area and well the rest in history! At the end of May we moved to Texas!
Our move wasn’t an easy one though! We were packing right up until the day we left Georgia! Usually Mr. RCGG’s company hires movers but they weren’t able to get anyone to us until mid June. So we had to do it ourselves. We finished loading up the moving truck, the cars, and got Mr. RCGG’s car on the trailer connected to the truck. After we got Chester and Cami ready to go we headed out to our new home! Chester rode in the truck with Daddy and Cami was in his crate in the car with me. I think Chester had more fun on the move than Cami did! Every so often I would hear Cami yell at me from his crate. I think he was telling me to shut up! Haha! I had my phone connected to the car and was listening to anything from 90’s music to 2000’s pop with some country mixed in! I was dancing and singing the whole way! Haha!
In July our niece and her dogs came to visit. We took her to Magnolia, Southfork, and Downtown Dallas. We went up in the Reunion Tower in Dallas. It was fun to see for miles around the city of Dallas. I’m afraid of heights but as long as I don’t look down I’m okay. I had more problems with the elevator going down than I did being up in the top of the tower. Our niece showed me how to make crunch wraps and I have made them a couple of times since then.
August came and went relatively quiet. In September though we lost our Chester man. He passed away at the beginning of the month. We miss him terribly but he had the cutest and sweetest little guy already picked out for us. A few days after he went to the Rainbow Bridge we welcomed Charlie into our home.
Charlie is a 6 month old long haired dachshund. He’s quite a ball of energy and we are still learning about being puppy parents even after having him for a few months. He and Cami are getting along great. They love chasing each other and wrestling. They are even starting to sleep together. Charlie sleeps under the blanket with us and Cami will curl up at the end of the bed at night.
In October I went to the Moms in the Making conference. It was such a blessing to meet some of the ladies that I had been in a virtual Bible study group with for a couple of years. This ministry has been a huge part of my life for a while now and being in the same room worshipping God with them was amazing! I am so excited to go back next year. Moms in the Making is a fertility based ministry that has helped so many women going through infertility realize they are not alone in the struggle. I know it has helped me tremendously!
In November my mom came to visit! I took her to Magnolia because I’ll take any excuse to go to Magnolia. Haha! When we were there we went to Silos Bakery. Every other time we had gone it was a weekend so there was a long line. We went on a Tuesday so there was no line. We got a half a dozen cupcakes, two cinnamon rolls, and a dozen cookies. I love cupcakes and I think the ones from Silos Bakery are some of the best ones I have had.
We also went to Magnolia Table for lunch. It was so good. I can’t wait to go back with Mr. RCGG.
We went back to the Silos because we had just gone to the bakery before lunch. On the way back we stopped at JDH Ironworks right across the street. It is owned by Jimmy Don who does all the iron work for Joanna on Fixer Upper. He was there and we met him. As we were leaving I stopped and asked if he minded if I got a picture with him. He is so sweet. He said he was happy to meet fans of the show and of his work.
Our first Texas Christmas was Charlie’s first Christmas. I’ll have a Christmas recap later in Jaunary!
I know God has been working in our lives and has great things ready for us in 2023!
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As ya’ll know, I love everything Chip and Joanna Gaines! My mom was visiting from Illinois the week after Thanksgiving so I had to take her to Waco to visit the Silos. Of course right? I love taking any chance I can get to go to Magnolia! Haha!
We were able to make a few stops in Waco that Mr. RCGG and I hadn’t done yet. We went to Magnolia Table for lunch and stopped by the Silos Bakery for a cupcake. We also went to JDH Ironworks. When we walked in the shop he was standing right there! He is the sweetest man! It felt like you had known him forever! So as of right now, I have met two people in Waco that have major connections to Chip and Joanna Gaines! When we went to Spring at the Silos I met Clint Harp from Harp Design Co.
Before we left I stopped in Magnolia Press for a coffee mug to giveaway on RCGG’s Favorite Things Holiday Edition.
Every year I try to do a holiday series! In the past I have done 12 days of cookies. That one was lots of fun and we had cookies all over the place! I think it was one of my favorites so far! This year I wanted to do something different though!
Do you like Starbucks? Of course! Who doesn’t love Starbucks! I love their Pink Drink and during the holiday season I get a peppermint mocha coffee or frappuccino. I usually don’t drink coffee but I love the peppermint mocha because it doesn’t taste like coffee. Especially when I get four pumps of peppermint! Haha!
Well, I’m giving away a $20 Starbucks gift card! All you have to do is click the link below and follow the entry form! I can’t wait to spread a little Christmas cheer with ya’ll!
In my last post Cami told you about Chester’s passing. Well we weren’t a dog less house for long. A few days after he passed Mr. RCGG went to Illinois to pick up our new little ball of fur. We weren’t even planning on getting a puppy so soon but it we felt Chester was telling us we needed a new puppy to spoil just as much as we did him.
I’d like ya’ll to meet Charlie. He is a six month old long haired dachshund. He’s full of energy. Like A LOT OF ENERGY! He’s such a sweetheart though and has stolen our hearts.
He loves his toys and running around the house playing. He grabs a toy out of the toy basket every time he runs past it during his zoomies. He has figured out how to jump on the couch and likes to run from one side to the other. He also loves when I throw a toy for him. He will run to get it and if I’m sitting on the floor playing with him he will jump into my lap before letting me throw it again.
Charlie is doing great sleeping through the night. He wakes up when Daddy gets up for work and some days he goes back to sleep right away and others he’s ready to start his day at 4:30 AM! Mommy has had to adjust her schedule to his! Haha! I’m ready for a nap by noon!
Hi Mommy’s blog friends! Cami taking over the blog today! It’s been a bit of a whirlwind in our house recently! I’ve been a little sad because my big brother Chester went to what Mommy and Daddy have called the Rainbow Bridge.
It all started on a Wednesday morning. Mommy was sitting at the table doing her schoolwork and Chester was laying beside her on his blanky on the floor. He was finding his spot and Mommy said he let out a yelp and it looked like he had hurt his paw. She called Daddy and he came home as soon as he could. He seemed to recover from it throughout the day. That night he couldn’t stop panting and didn’t want to fall asleep. Mommy didn’t sleep that night because she was worried about him.
When Daddy woke up he took my brother to the emergency vet. The doctor said it looked like he may have had a stroke or a heart attack the day before. The left side of his heart was beating very weak and even if they could have given him something to make him feel better he would have been on medicine for the rest of his life. So Daddy asked Peachy to come get him.
Chester was my best friend and even though I may have driven him completely crazy sometimes I know that he loved me and I was his best friend too! I learned so much from my big brother. I learned that no matter how much you bug Mommy she will always love you. You taught me that going to the vet isn’t as bad as I thought it was. Even if I thought Dr. Clayter was evil because she was! That’s not the point though! Chester taught me that going to the vet meant that Mommy and Daddy care enough about us that they wanted us to be healthy.
I miss my Chester man. I know he’s in Heaven running around with Peachy and Ollie though and that’s what’s important. He’s a puppy again.
You were such a great little brother to Chester, Cami cat. He loved you so much and you always kept him on his toes.
On September 1st our Chester passed away. We miss him every day but we know he will always be with us. We feel his presence every day and know that he is still with us. Chester was the sweetest dog! He loved everyone he met and loved to eat! He loved everything except potatoes. It didn’t matter what kind of potato because he wouldn’t eat it! His favorite was cheese. Every day when Mr. RCGG came home from work he gave Chester some shredded cheese. He also loved our nightly bowl of ice cream before bed. He slept with his daddy every night and loved laying on his blanket by mommy during the day while she was doing schoolwork.
We miss you buddy!
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Have you ever written a letter to yourself as a way to look back on things you wanted to do? I wrote this August 31 2019 after finishing Girl Wash Your Face by Rachael Hollis. She suggested writing a letter to your future self from your persistence and this was what I wrote.
Dear Cate, This is your persistence! Here’s what I want you to know. Things in life get hard! Like REALLY HARD! BUT you will get through them. Some of them may be out of your control but you will get through them! As for the things that you do have control over YOU ARE GOING TO ROCK THEM! Not only through God’s help but through the help of others. They may not know it, but their prayers are lifted to God in your name! They may not know they are praying for you, but God knows.
God knows what His plan for you is before you were even born and He has a plan for you! It will come to you in HIS TIME. It may be with the help of other, but His plan will happen.
You will fight hard to pursue your dream of becoming a writer. It will not be overnight and will take months or even years to be a successful writer. If you work hard and think about how much this means to you, you can make this dream happen. Write that first draft! Write that second draft! Don’t think about it! JUST WRITE!
You will go back to school! You will work hard to get good grades and you will graduate! This is something you have wanted to do for a long time! Going back to school will help you learn more about writing so you can achieve your dream of becoming a writer! It will help you decide what you want your story to be about! It may be bad at first because what first draft is perfect, but it will get better!
You have so many people cheering for you! You are an amazing person, and they want you to know how much you are loved! You will get through all the bad moments you have had in your life! Lots of love, support, and prayer will show you just how to knock it out of the park!
Taco Bell has always been one of Mr. RCGG’s go to fast food places. He really likes the crunch wrap. While our niece was visiting last week, she showed us how to make them at home. OMG! They were so much better than Taco Bell!
In a skillet or large cooking pan, cook and crumble the ground beef over medium-high heat. When it is no longer pink, drain the grease.
Place meat back into the pan and stir the taco seasoning mix as well as the water it calls for on the packet. Cook according to the package instructions.
Warm up the nacho cheese sauce in the microwave and set aside.
Place the flour tortillas on a plate and warm in the microwave for about 20 seconds.
Lay one tortilla on a flat surface. Spread a couple of tablespoons of nacho cheese in the middle of the tortilla.
Place ½ cup of taco meat on top of the nacho cheese.
Next, add the tostada shell, a thin layer of sour cream, lettuce, tomato, and lastly, the shredded Mexican cheese.
Add your favorite taco toppings onto the tostada. Place the smaller tortilla on top of the extra toppings.
To fold into the actual crunchwrap, start with the bottom of the tortilla and fold the edge up to the center of the fillings. Keep doing that, folding as tight as possible, as you work your way around the tortilla.
Spray another skillet or cooking pan with cooking spray and heat over medium heat. Place the crunchwrap supreme, seam-side down, onto the skillet. Cook for 2-3 min., or until golden brown.
Flip over and cook the other side for another 2-3 min or until golden brown.
Cook the rest of your crunchwraps and eat immediately.
We added refired beans, salsa, and nacho cheese to ours. Mr. RCGG and our niece also had cilantro and black olives on theirs. I don’t like cilantro or black olives! Haha! We will be adding these to our Taco Tuesday lineup!
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Cupcake Mail is my favorite way to stay in touch with my BFF. We have been sending small packages and cards to each other for several years now! I’m not even sure how long it has been anymore!
There have been times that she has sent a package that came on a day that I needed a little pick-me-up. She always knows when something is wrong even when I don’t tell her. I guess that’s what 20+ years of friendship does to you! She also knows that peanut butter cups are my candy love language! Almost every package has a pack of peanut butter cups in it! Haha!
Today, I’ll be showing you how I created the first package I sent to her from Texas. This one took some planning because I had to get things from the places we visited.
We went to Magnolia in March for Spring at the Silos, but I was so in awe of being there that I forgot to get something for her there! When we went back earlier this month, I made sure to get her something! I got her a Magnolia shirt that is the same as mine because besties need to match! Haha!
We also went to Southfork Ranch where the TV show Dallas was filmed. I’ll have a post about this visit later on this summer.
Our niece was visiting so we took her to Buc-ee’s. She had never been and your first time at Buc-ee’s is quite an experience. While we there I got a couple things for Texas cupcake mail. I got these cute swim shorts for her son with the Buc-ee’s logo on them and some chocolate chip cookies because I couldn’t send a brisket sandwich in a package. Haha!
I also added the shirt that I got for her son from our trip in March. We stopped in West Monroe Louisiana at the Duck Commander shop. There’s a few things in the box for her husband too! Haha!
I love putting together special cupcake mail packages for Caryn! It’s a fun way to keep in touch with her and her family! I also added a fun surprise to this box from our trip to a cabin in Oklahoma over my birthday and our anniversary trip.
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As you have probably figured out by now I love Joanna Gaines! I started making some of the recipes from her Magnolia Table cookbooks recently and we have loved every one of them so far.
I’m starting my Magnolia Table cooking series with the Blackberry puff. Joanna’s recipe in the Magnolia Table Volume 1 cookbook is a blueberry puff but I had blackberries, so I used them instead. In fact, in the recipe ingredients, she lists blackberries as an alternative. This puff was extremely easy to make. There are several steps, but it wasn’t hard at all! I think a lot of her recipes are like that. She says on her Magnolia Network show, Magnolia Table that she’s not an experienced cook but she loves to make simple and delicious meals for her family.
You will need: 12 cups large Croissants (I used a Pilsbury tube from the refrigerated section of the grocery store and rolled two of the triangles together to make four instead of six. It worked perfectly) 1 cup Buttermilk 2 cups Heavy Cream 12 tablespoons (1 1/2 sticks unsalted Butter at room tempertaure 6 Eggs room temperature 2 tablespoons Vanilla 1 cup Sugar 1 teaspoon Salt 3 cups Blueberries or Blackberries (I used blackberries)
Preheat the oven to 375. Grease a 9x13x3 baking dish. Spread the croissant cubes evenly in the dish and top with the berries.
In a stand mixer beat the butter and sugar on medium speed until creamy. Beat in eggs one at a time, beating well after each addition. Beat in the cream, buttermilk, vanilla, and salt. The mixture may look curdled.
Pour over croissants and berries in the baking dish. Sprinkle with sugar.
Bake until a knife comes out clean about 35-40 minutes. Serve warm.
I made it the night before and warmed it up for about 20 minutes. We loved it! I think next time I will make it with blueberries.
I can’t wait to make more recipes from the Magnolia Table cookbooks! Joanna is amazing and I’m not obsessed with her at all! Haha!
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