5QF is back!!!

5QF has been on a bit of a hiatus! Now it is back and  just as awesome as it was before! So here’s my long awaited answers to 5QF!

1. If I had 5 minutes alone with Mother Nature I would tell her? Mother Nature has been having some awful mood swings lately.

2. If you could eat only one thing for a whole week what would it be?One thing? I’m a picky eater as it is! Probably frozen burritos. They are the first thing I want after I have been sick and I usually eat them for a snack anyways.

3. What is your favorite season and why? Summer! I love the beach trips! We go to the beach at least once a month!

4. Do you have a meal that you are AMAZING at making? If so, share the recipe! I don’t cook that often, but I make tater tot casserole that is pretty AMAZING!

5. What has changed in your life since the last 5QF? (8/2/13 was the last one! Wow…over 6 months!) Well… the biggest change since the last 5QF is that I made the switch to WordPress and became a selfhosted blog! I have slowly gained more blog exposure and even went semi viral from my peanut butter blossom recipe I posted on Pinterest!




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I’m Team Annabelle

Today, I’m helping to spread a little love for a very awesome blogger! Her name is Annabelle and she is the author of The Carolina Country Girl. Annabelle recently found out that she has cancer! You can read her story about it by clicking the link! I’m Team Annabelle!


I have never read Annabelle’s blog until a few days ago and I instantly fell in love with her! She writes about her life, but makes it into a fun look into what has happened in her life that makes you want to jump through your computer and join her!

encouragmentSo please help me in sending some love over to Annabelle! She needs our prayers as she conquers this obstacle the devil has put in her way!

Dear Heavenly Father,

I come to you today to ask that you give Annabelle the love and guidance she needs right now! I pray that you give her the strength to overcome the evil that has taken over her body! Please give the doctors the wisdom and patience to help heal her! Bless Annabelle’s family as they try to grasp what is going on! You are a great and mighty God that I know will heal her!

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Berry College Eagle Cam

Berry College is a school in Rome Georgia. They have an eagle couple that recently nested on their campus. The egg hatched and you can watch! It is such a great way to see our national symbol in the wild!

Berry College Eagle Cam

Facts about Bald Eagles

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Irish Blessing

Wit St. Patrick’s Dy coming up next week, I wanted to share a printable I made with you! It is the Irish Blessing. I have loved this since I first heard it back in high school! I think it says that no matter what God will always be there for us. If our life gets a little too hectic He will always be there to calm things down! He will hold us in his hand and get us through whatever is pulling us down!


If you would like to use this in your St. Patrick’s Day decor you can right click on it to save it to your computer and then print it! I hope you enjoy it and please let me know if there is anything you would like to see in a printable!

Do you wear green on St. Patrick’s Day?

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Coupon for Dove Advanced Care



Remember my review of Dove Advanced Care deodorant? Well, today I’m sharing a coupon for $2 off Dove Advanced Care with you!

photo via Dove website

photo via Dove website

To get this coupon you have to watch the short video and then click the get coupon button at the end! That will take you to a page where you can print your coupon!

The coupon is good through April 30, 2014.

I received this deodorant from Influenster and Dove for testing purposes. I was in no way compensated for my thoughts! All opinions of this product are mine and not influenced by the companies.

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Movie Suggestions

We love watching movies! We used to get movies through the mail with Blockbuster, but they are no longer in business! As of right now we are not using anything to get new releases. We rented We’re The Millers through Red Box last night and it was so funny! It is rated R for language, drug references, and brief nudity though so it is not for everyone! Be sure to watch the outtakes at the end! The last one is HILARIOUS.

We_re_the_Millers_2013_movie_Wallpaper_1280x1024 We like comedies and action movies as a couple. On my own, I like classic movies like Wizard of Oz, Gone With the Wind, and Casablanca. Mr. RCGG likes John Wayne movies, war movies, and Braveheart. What are your favorite types of movies? What do you like to watch as a couple? Do you have any movie suggestions?

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The Cat Takeover

Hi! Our names are Ollie and Peaches and this is a cat takeover!


Ollie Belle


Peaches Nicole

We have taken over Mommy’s blog today! She hasn’t posted anything about us in a while so we decided to take things into our own hands.  Wait! PAWS, we have paws, not hands!

Anyways, our mommy and daddy are good to us! They spoil us pretty good! We always have treats that you might think that is all we eat, but it isn’t. We have our regular food!

We get tuna on special occasions. Mainly our birthdays and Christmas.


Ollie comes running for tuna! Peach will eat a little and then she’s done!

Now, how does this cat takeover work? Well, we are thinking that we are going to takeover once a month. We will post pictures and sometimes a video! We are like Daddy and like to stay behind the scenes of this blog thing that Mommy does, but we are going to make our presence known from now on!!

So until our next cat takeover,

MEOW from


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Friday Randoms

I am so glad it is finally Friday! This week seemed like it has just dragged on and on! I’m making Friday my day for random things that have come to me during the week. Some may be serious. While others may be totally goofy and off the wall! So, starting today, we have Friday Randoms!

I’m trying to get this Southern Special link up together and I think it’s going to be great! I have two people interested in co-hosting and I’m so excited to work with them! If you didn’t see my post about the details you can check it out here! I think it is going to be fun!

Southern Special

Southern Special link up coming soon! Share your southern comfort food recipes, crafts, home decor, southern architecture, southern classic style, fashion, and traditions.

I still need to figure out how to get my social media buttons made! I need Mr. RCGG’s help! He knows a little HTML and he is always willing to help me out with the blog if I need it! AND I NEED IT!

I always want Chic Fil A on Sundays! It never fails. Also when I ask if we can go Mr. RCGG says we can go on Sunday and then go to Hobby Lobby and make a day of it! I always give him that sarcastic HAHA! He doesn’t like Hobby Lobby along with every other husband in the world!

Have you been watching the Olympics? We have watched some of them and I’m not really liking them this year. Our local  NBC station has tried to refrain from spoilers on Facebook, but there is ALWAYS the people that comment saying they are so glad that this person won gold or that person didn’t do as well as they should have. Also the new trending thing on Facebook has been spoiling them for me too! Oh well. That’s how social media has made us. We want to know results of things before they show us on TV!


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Southern Special Link Up

Do you love the south? There is just something about it that makes me happy! I love the history, the comfort foods, the home decor, the architecture, and the fashion. There’s just something about the south!

Anyways, this is where I’m going with this! I had this idea to share recipes, crafts, landscaping, home decor architecture and fashion in a link up! I would love for you to share any of these things with the link up! Any craft would be great actually since there really isn’t a distinct southern crafting style. (At least I don’t think there is!)

Southern SpecialI’m still working out details so I haven’t gone live with this yet. I just wanted to throw the idea out there to get you ready for it! I am looking for co hosts though so if you would like to co host please contact me at rndmcrftygagrl@yahoo.com and put Southern Special in the subject!

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Snowpocalypse- The combining of snow and apocalypse to describe a big snow storm!

Snowpocalypse, Let’s add Snowmegaddon, Snowtastophe, and SnowJam to that list of annoying names that are unnecessary.   Why do we have to come up with names for every little thing now? When did this trend start? Who thought that saying snowpocalypse, snowtastrophe, and snowmageddon was cool?  Stupidest thing ever!

This winter is insane! I don’t remember the last time it just kept hanging on! Do you? It’s not just in the North. This cold, snow, and ice are EVERYWHERE! You probably saw on the news about SnowJam 2014 in Atlanta!

picture from Google

picture from Google

This was two weeks ago when Atlanta was the laughing stock of the nation! It was really really bad! There were children stranded on buses, people walking home after leaving their car on the interstate. Kids were kept at school because parents were stuck in never ending traffic jams.

Fast forward two weeks! Another snowtastrophe is coming! OH NO!!!!  This time though Atlanta was ready!

picture from Google

picture from Google

This is the same interstate as in the top picture only a different view! Mayor Reed told people that if you don’t need to travel stay where you are! The actually listened! There was no one out this time and there was no major catastrophic traffic snow jam!

So as you can see, Atlanta was much more prepared the second time around! Now if it would just get back up into spring like temperatures that we usually see in February I’d be happy! I’m ready for the warmer weather!

picture from Google

picture from Google


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