I am Ready for Football

Usually I don’t say that! Football is one of the sports that I don’t understand. I am learning though and I think by September I may love it!

That’s because my husband and I are going to the Colts and Jaguars game in Jacksonville on September 29th. I can’t wait! I love my Colts and always will! I am COLTSTONG!

I love my Colts! Mr. RCGG is a Carolina Panthers fan! Good thing they don’t play each other too often!

Mr. RCGG will watch college football all day Saturday and the NFL all day Sunday! In this house we are University of Georgia fans! We bleed red and black!

 I have a board on Pinterest called football wife that I have a bunch of great game day snack and dinner recipes along with a couple other things that I would love to do for my football loving husband!

If you come back around the end of September I will have a recap of my first NFL game! I am so excited about it!!!

Opening my Colts tickets. I think this picture shows just how excited I am about going to this game!

Linking up with:

Love, Fun & Fotball
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My Christmas Decor Ideas

I know the summer is just winding down, but I am already thinking about Christmas! From a crafter’s mind, the Christmas season actually starts after the Fourth of July! We have to start working on all the decoration crafts that we want to do so they get done in time for Christmas! Here’s what I am thinking about making this year!

Ribbon Tree from She’s {kinda} Crafty
Ornament Jar from Dandelions and Dustbunnies
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My Favorites

Welcome to My Favorites post! Today you are going to get a look into what I consider some of my favorite things! Are you ready?


I haven’t finished this one yet so if you have please don’t spoil it for me.

I love the way the Duggars raise their children. They raise them to have a servants heart for God. I want to be the mother that Mrs. Duggar is.

I have only seen season 1 of this so far. I really enjoyed it and I can’t wait to see the other seasons.


I have loved this book since High School. It is the only book I have read multiple times and I find something new every time I read it.

Sports Teams

Growing up I was a Cardinals fan! I always liked the Braves though. When we moved to Georgia I went to my first MLB game and loved that it was a Braves game. Now I love my Braves and never thought to love any other team anymore.

Once a Colts fan Always a Colts fan! My husband is a Panthers fan and my uncle and Poppy liked the Cowboys.. They don’t get my Colts love. I can’t wait until the end of September when I finally get to see my first Colts game!


I have loved this movie from the time I was three years old. It always makes a bad day better and makes me feel better when I don’t feel good.

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UPDATE On July Operation Be More Crafty

I just wanted to post an update on my July Operation Be More Crafty project. I painted a rubber band in hopes that it would work with the notebook I was making.

Well the note book has turned out adorable, but the paint wouldn’t stay on the rubber band. It all flaked off when I stretched it! I guess we all learn a thing or two while crafting!

I have a ton of these composition notebooks. I love making new things out of them! I have made one for our travels and this new one is a “restaurant passport”.  I am looking for restaurants that we want to try. I drew two big boxes on each page. One for my review and one for Mr. RCGG’s review. We are going to make either a check mark or an X for if we like it or not. Plus there is a space for me to write a little about the place.

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How I Turn a Bad Day Better

Have you ever had one of those days where nothing seems to go right from the moment you wake up to the time you go to bed? I think we all have those days and have our own little ways of making them somewhat better.

One of my favorite ways to make a bad day a little better is to pop this movie into the DVD player.

I have loved this movie since I was three years old and have watched it so many times that I lost count. It is my favorite movie and I know every single line forwards and backwards (at least that’s what my dad says.) Oz can make any day better for me. It may not seem like it, but it really is a feel good movie. It gives me that feeling of getting away to another place where there are people that just want to help. The scarecrow, tinman, and lion may want their own things from the wizard, but they also want to make sure that Dorothy gets what she wants in the end!

Another way I turn a bad day better is just lay with my Ollie cat! I mean look at this face? How can you be in a bad mood with a cute little girl like this in your life?

She melts away any bad mood, but she will also put you to sleep, but then a nap seems to help sometimes too! I love listening to her snore. She is the only cat I have had that snores and it is so cute! Mr. RCGG says it sounds like the little noises I make in my sleep sometimes.

What do you do when you have a bad day?

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Nautical July Cara Box

Cara Box

Cara Box is a fantastic inspirational gift swap hosted by Kaitlyn over at Wifessionals.
Every month she pairs you with two bloggers and you send a box of gifts to one and the other sends to you! It is a lot of fun! Head over to Kaitlyn’s blog to check it out is you want to sign up for August’s exchange.

This month’s theme is Nautical! I love the beach so this was a lot of fun for me. When I looked at the pairings, I laughed because I was sending a box to Jenny over at the Nanny Diaries. Jenny sent to me back in April.  I loved that I get the chance to send to her this time! I had such a blast planning what to send to her.

Jenny is such a sweetheart and she recently decided to go back to school so I included some things that would help her on her journey. I hope you enjoyed everything Jenny! You are such a sweetheart and I know you will do great in school! Check out what I sent her here!

Dara from Not in Jersey sent a box to me. I have enjoyed getting to know her and she has the cutest kiddos. I may have embarrassed myself by mistaking her youngest for a girl! She says it happens all the time and he is getting his haircut this month. Sorry again Dara!   Dara and her family recently went to Disney World. They drove from their home in Kansas all the way down to Florida. Plus made a stop in Atlanta to tour the Weather Channel studio since her brother works there. It looked like it was such a fun trip! 

Here’s my box from Dara:

Edited to add this caption of what was in my box from Dara! That really cute anchor necklace that I have worn every day since. Naughty Nautical Essie nail polish, a  journal and note cards with a sailboat that says Sail towards you dreams, a star fish air freshener that smells heavenly and really makes me long for the beach, and a tiny basket filled with tiny star fish. I loved this theme as the beach is one of our favorite places! Thanks again Dara!

Thank you so much Dara! You created a fabulous box of goodies for me! It also came on my birthday, but we weren’t able to get to the post office in time to get it. So my birthday was extended until Monday since my parents gifts hadn’t come yet either. (Our anniversary was also July 21!) So this past week has just been full of fun surprises in the mail!

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July Operation Be More Crafty

Sometimes I have these ideas in my head that may not make sense to anyone but me! Right now, I am waiting for a rubber band I painted to dry. YES I PAINTED A RUBBER BAND! That’s how you know you are that crazy crafter!

I know what I am doing!

 I love putting scrapbook paper on composition notebooks. I have so many of the that I’m going to have to start doing something with the finished ones.

Anyways,  I had this thought that I could staple this rubber band I have laying around to the back cover and then I would have this cool looking notebook that would stay closed when I put too much into it!

So I put some polka dot paper onto the notebook and then some polka dot ribbon on to the black part.  I thought it might be too much polka dots, but Mr. RCGG told me it wasn’t so I went with it!

I’m in the process of all this still so that is why there are no pictures just yet! I am stenciling a cute quote on to it too! You will have to see what it looks like when I am all done! I think it is going to be really cute!

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Happy Anniversary July 21

One year ago today Mr. RCGG and I became husband and wife. Check out my wedding tab to look back on our wedding day! 

Here’s a couple of my favorite pictures:

 Over the past year we have had so much fun and I look forward to everything God has in store for us in the future. 

Here are some of my favorite pictures from the past year:

Happy anniversary Babe! I love you more than yesterday, but not as much as tomorrow!

For our anniversary I got Mr. RCGG a couple of CDs from a band called The 2nd South Carolina String Band. They are a civil war reenactment band that we saw play in Gettysburg. They are very good.

 He completely surprised me and got tickets to my first NFL game in September. We are going down to Jacksonville on September 29th for the Colts and Jaguars game. 

If only Peyton Manning still played for the Colts though! We as fans still respect him and always will! Once a Colts fan, Always a Colts fan! We are ColtStrong.

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Birthday Fun

July 20th is always a fun day for me because it is my birthday! I have always loved the special things people do for you on your birthday and it always makes me feel so loved! I turned 31 yesterday and I know a lot of women will tell you they don’t want to say their age, but I really don’t have a problem with telling my age. I think of it as another year that God has blessed me! God gave me so many blessing over the last year that I can’t even begin to name them all! He really is a GREAT GOD. 

We actually had my birthday dinner on Friday. My mother in law made chicken etti! It is a favorite on our house and it is a Duggar family recipe. It is really good. I still need to get a recipe post up for it and I promise I will very soon!
 Saturday was my actual birthday! We were going to go to Hilton Head SC, but decided to stay home instead and go over Labor Day.  There is an antique show in St. Simon’s Island that we went to over Memorial Day and we loved it! So we are going again over Labor Day. We went to the auction yesterday and as always it was a lot of fun! 

When we got home we put a few pizzas in the oven and had birthday cake and presents too! We got some Red Baron pizzas at Wal-Mart on Friday. We found Taco, Hawaiian (Ham and pineapple and  I added some pepperoni since one of my favorite pizzas is pepperoni and pineapple) and pepperoni and sausage. They were so good. Especially the Hawaiian one! Somehow I got pieces of that one that didn’t have any ham on it so it was all pepperoni and pineapple!

We had Paula Deen’s peaches and cream pound cake and it was so good! We love Paula Deen in this house and support her 100%.

My birthday was a great day and it isn’t over yet. We didn’t get to the post office in time on Friday to get the boxes of gifts from my parents so tomorrow my birthday will continue. 

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Unexpected Blogging Break

I have been on an unexpected blogging break for the past week! I have acid reflux disease and it has been bothering me since Saturday. Today I am much better and ready to take on the blogging world again, but I am going to continue the blog break until next week! 

My birthday is on Saturday and our first anniversary is on Sunday so I want to take the time to enjoy this weekend with my husband! So i will be back on probably Tuesday or Wednesday. When I come back from this break I will be 31 years old and no longer considered a newlywed! It has been a great year and I can’t wait to spend many more years with my best friend!!

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