Updating About Me Pages

I am in the process of updating my About Me page and my About Mr. RCGG page so they have been put back into draft until I am done with them. Please bear with me as I work on these and I will let you know when they are finished so you can check them out. 


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Are you coming over from the Britiany’s Blog Hop? I’m one of the co hosts this week and I’m so excited to be apart of this great experience.

Here’s a little bit about me:
I am Cate and I am 30 years old. I am a  Christian, Husband Loving Newlywed, Blogger,Crafter, Vlogger,Cat Mommy, Oz Lover, Scrapbooker, Sweet Tea Addict, Atlanta Braves Fan, Random Crafty Georgia Girl. 

My husband and I have been married for almost 1 year. We were married July 21, 2012. We love to go to auctions and travel. Some of our favorite places have been Savannah, GA, and Jekyll Island, GA (where we were married) 

Driftwood Beach Jekyll Island GA May 2013

The Pirates’ House Savannah GA February 2013

We have two cats named Ollie and Peachy. Ollie is 13 years old and Peachy is 4. I have had Ollie since she was two months old. I got her for Christmas in 1999. Peachy adopted us when she was about 6 months old. I can’t imagine what our lives would be like without them.


I have a monthly feature called Operation Be More Crafty where I show a craft I have made during the month. I love making things and sharing them with others! Check out my Operation Be More Crafty tab at the top of my blog to see what I have made so far this year! I still have to get the supplies for June’s project.

I think that’s it for today! I am so excited that you stopped by and I hope you have a great week! I look forward to reading all your blogs. =)

Welcome to the third week of Link Up Tuesday’s Blog Hop! Be sure to come back and join us every Tuesday to link up your Blog, Bloglovin’, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and Instagram.

Interested in co-hosting? Contact me at crazycraftiness [at] gmail [dot] [com]. For the time being co-host spots are free so be sure to take advantage of it!
This is a great way to find other blogs to follow and find exposure for yours. 


1. Follow your host and co-hosts
2. Grab the blog hop button and post on your sidebar or blog hop page to help promote this hop. The more people who join the better!
Crafty Craziness & Living the Hooah Life
Crafty Craziness & Living the Hooah Life
3. If you’re new leave a comment and we will return the favor 🙂
4. Tweet, Facebook, Pin about this hop. The more people who know the more exposure your blog gets! 
Meet your lovely co-hosts!

Britney @ The Princess & Her Cowboys

Jade @ Mama Love Diaries

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June Operation Be More Crafty Project

It is the second week of June and I haven’t even posted my project of the month yet. It has been a little busy around here.

So since this Friday is Flag Day and the Fourth of July is coming up I am making something patriotic for June. You would think I would do that for July, but I have something else in mind for next month.

Here is the idea:

I hope to be able to get the supplies next week and have this made very soon!

What patriotic crafts are you making this year?

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Stop and Smell the Roses Our Summer Plans

I am linking up with Mandy over at House of Rose Blog for another Stop and Smell the Roses. This month I am combining the months of June and July because I am not too sure if I am going to have time to slow down this summer. We have a busy summer planned and I went quite a bit over the time limit this month talking about what we have going on. Please try to watch the whole thing as I ramble on about our summer plans

Check out what I am stopping to smell the roses about this month:

I have some new things planned for RCGG in the hopefully the next couple months. Some I have already talked about like sponsorship, possibly switching to WordPress, and a weekly or month cooking post.  I am going to start vlogging more. I feel that I am finally getting where I am comfortable at it again and I want to take advantage of that.

I hope ya all have a great month and don’t forget to stop and smell the roses.

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Tater Tot Casserole

In my Valentine’s Day link up post Mr. RCGG said that his favorite meal that I make is tater tot casserole. I may have already posted a recipe on this one, but I know I didn’t do pictures of it.

Anyways, Here is how I make tater tot casserole:

You need:
1 medium to large package of ground beef
1 packet of taco seasoning
1 can of cream of mushroom soup or cheese soup
1 package of tater tots
1 bag of shredded cheese or half a block of Velveeta cheese cubed.

To make:
Brown and drain ground beef. Stir in mushroom or cheese soup and taco seasoning until well mixed.
Pour into a baking dish and pour tater tots on top.  Bake for 30-35 minutes until tater tots are golden brown.

Take out of oven and add shredded cheese on top. Return to oven until cheese is melted.

To make a cheese sauce instead cube half a block of Velveeta cheese. In a microwaveable bowl melt cheese with milk in one minute intervals stirring after each minute until smooth. Pour over casserole and bake until cheese is bubbly.

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Summer Agendas

How is June here already? It seems like we were just celebrating Christmas! Summer is upon us and that means swimming and just spending time outside with family and friends. We have so much planned for this summer that it may seem like we are going on a trip every weekend, but in reality it is every other weekend.

We will be traveling to visit my parents in Illinois over Father’s Day weekend for a wedding. A little girl I used to baby sit is getting married on June 15. I can’t believe she is getting married. I remember her running around and getting into things when she was little.  have watched her grow up into the beautiful woman that she is today and I wish her so much happiness in her new life.

Then over the fourth of July weekend, we will be going to Gettysburg PA for the 150th anniversary celebration of the civil war battle. Mr. RCGG loves the civil war and he has been looking forward to this for a very long time.

I have actually been looking forward to this trip too. As crazy as that sounds it is true. I have been learning so much from these trips and taking them has really piqued my interest in this era of our nation’s history.
Two weeks after we get back from Gettysburg, we are celebrating my birthday and our first anniversary! I can’t believe it has been almost a year since we were married. 
We might have a some more trips planned for this summer, but there is nothing set in stone just yet. We love to travel and even though most of the time it is to a beach we still get some time in for other places as well. 
One of my favorite places to travel to is Savannah, GA. That city is so beautiful and full of history. It is for sure one of my favorite places besides Jekyll Island.
What is in your plans for the summer? Are your going on vacation or just living it up at home? What is your favorite place to vacation?
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May Operation Be More Crafty

For May, I made a flip flop wreath for Operation Be More Crafty.  This is another month that has gotten away from me so I don’t really have much time to finish this project. 

I have so many fun things lined up for the rest of the year and I can’t wait to do these things. It really doesn’t seem like we are a few days away from June already! Didn’t we just celebrate Christmas?

This was so easy to make. I started by deciding what order I wanted the colors to go in by laying them on the floor. Then I hot glued the edges of the flip flops together and let it dry. It was still a little flimsy so I cut up a piece of card board and hot glued that to the soles. It is a lot more stable now. I needed something to hide the card board on the front so I went to Michael’s and got some flowers and ribbon. I glued the flowers between each pair of flip flops and tied the ribbon around the strap part and made a hanger out of the top pair. 

It was a lot easier than I thought it would be and I can’t wait to make more crafts to share with you! 

Linking up with:
Inspire Me Please Weekend Blog Hop
Weekend Wrap Up
Sundae Scoop Link Party
Craft-O-Maniac Monday
Sunday Showcase Party
The CSI Project Life At the Beach Linkup
Shine On Fridays

Posted in Crafts, gift ideas, Operation Be More Crafty | 2 Comments

WordPress Advice

After hearing about the Blogger deleting saga Lisette over at Northern Belle Diaries went through this week it really has me thinking about making the switch to WordPress. I have heard so many other bloggers say that they use it and it is so much better than using Blogger as your host.

What host should I use?
WordPress suggests blue host, Dream host, and Laughing Squid. I have heard many people use Blue Host and it looks like the best option. Mandy from House of Rose uses this one and it seems like the most popular option.

What host do you use? Are their prices reasonable? I don’t want to be spending an arm and a leg every month. I know you have to spend money to make money, but right now I am just exploring my options.

Let me know what you think. Please comment or tweet me @RndmCrftyGAGrl with your advice!

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A Little So What Wednesday

So what if I still haven’t put any of our vacation pictures up yet because I still haven’t gotten my camera out of the car.

So what if I don’t like fish, but had fish and chips when we were on vacation. I have always wanted to try it and I finally did. You have to try new things on vacation right?

So what if I don’t get pictures printed as fast as other people. I may still have to get prints from our wedding. Also I have a list of pictures I need to print from other vacations that I need to put in my Travel Adventures smash book. Plus I need to scrapbook them all too!

So what if I love cat snuggles even if she sometimes puts me to sleep. Her snore is one of my favorite sounds.

So what if I am looking for an easy way to switch from Blogger to WordPress. I tried it last time and it confused me to no end. (If you have any advice please let me know. It would be greatly appreciated.)

So What Wednesday

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Most Popular Post

I was looking back at some of my blog stats and noticed that it seems one of my most popular posts was one I made when I first started blogging four years ago. Back then, I was still very new to the blog world and didn’t know what I really wanted to write about. I went from scrapbooking, baking, and my every day life, before I finally decided that I wanted to blog about crafting. I wanted to keep the randoms so Random Crafty Georgia Girl was born. 

I use StatCounter to check my blog stats. You can see practically everything with it. Anyways, I have been seeing that one of my most popular posts has been the cupcake and panty card template that I posted a LONG time ago. I didn’t think it would be such a popular post.

Here they are again if you want to use them! I have NO idea where I got the templates. Four years ago is a little hard to remember, but I do know that I got them from someone off of a scrapbooking site that I frequented back then. 

The cupcake one can be used as a flowerpot as well. I made it once for my niece’s birthday by making the wrapper into the flowerpot and made the cupcake part with flowers attached by brads. It turned out so cute. At that time I wasn’t taking nearly as many pictures for blogging as I do now, unfortunately there is no picture of it. 

The panty bottom can be used for a bachelorette  party or other girls night out invitations. You can also make it into a bra card just in case you know someone going through breast cancer. You never know, it just might cheer them up and make their day! 

I hope you can use these and please share any pictures on my Facebook page if you do happen to use them! I would love to see your creations with them.

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