March Operation Be More Crafty

I may have already reveled this month’s Operation Be More Crafty idea as my back up February craft, but I changed my mind with how I wanted to do the cookie sheet magnet so I moved this one back to March.

Here’s the pinspiration:

I will actually be making this one as a gift for a friend, so I am hoping to have it done sooner than the other two months have been. I am doing this one for St. Patrick’s Day so I thought since Easter is  also in March this year I should do an Easter craft for March as well. So, I will also be making this for Operation Be More Crafty this month:

How cute is this bunny wreath? I love it and can’t wait to make it later this month!

I hope you are enjoying Operation Be More Crafty as much as I am. I really enjoy sharing my ideas with you and hope that it inspires you to be more crafty in your life as well.

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Fab Friday

Fab Fridays is one of my favorite link ups. I know I say that about all of them, but this one really is one of my favorites along with Stop and Smell the Roses.

Anyways, here is my fabs for this week.

I finally started my February craft on the last day of February. The weather wasn’t cooperating and instead of spray painting it I just painted it. I still have some minor things left to do and then I will show the reveal. 

It is Ghost Adventures Friday! I love that show. It is on the Travel Channel at 9 pm Eastern if you want to check it out. I usually watch the midnight repeat since Mr. RCGG and I are still out during the 9 pm airing.

Last night I decided will be doing two crafts this month instead of one. I wanted to get a little St. Patrick’s Day decor going  and an Easter decor going since Easter is at the end of March.

I love my Tervis tumbler that I got while we were in Savannah.  I got a 24 ounce tumbler with a C initial and a pink lid. I drink my Pepsi out of it every day. A 12 ounce can of Pepsi fills my 24 ounce tumbler.

I got my first cupcake mail today!  I haven’t even sent mine out yet. My Chicago BFF sent me some magnet bookmarks that have Wizard of Oz characters on them. I had some but I have no idea where they went. They are very easy to lose. I need to get something out to her for Valentine’s Day and Easter. Time kind of got away from me last month. Maybe I will get something tonight. 

I think that is my fabs for this week! Thanks Laura for another great week of Fab Friday. 

Please check out my Facebook page from the badge on my sidebar! I love “meeting” new people and becoming blog BFFs.  

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February Operation Be More Crafty

My pinspriation:

I am finally, on the last day of February, getting to my Operation Be More Crafty idea. I have kind of been putting it off in hopes that it would warm up and stop raining long enough that I could spray paint the cookie sheet, but the weather had other plans. It stopped raining, but it is still cold. So, I just decided to regular paint the thing.

I painted it purple with a light pink around the edges and a white swirly design on top of the purple. As of right now I am still waiting for the paint to dry before I paint the stencil on it, but it looks so cute already. I hope to have it officially done tomorrow and move on to my March craft which will be reveled in my next post. I may have already reveled it as my back up February craft.  Oh well, It can’t hurt to do it again can it?

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{Too Cute Tuesday}

My blog friend Kenzie over at Life According to Kenz and her friend Megan have started a link up called {Too Cute Tuesday}
I LOVE the name. Also loving the colors of their link up button. Almost exact colors of my wedding. =)

Anyways, I thought I would share a little bit about our CUTE cats for this first week of {Too Cute Tuesday} I haven’t done a post about them in a long time and I find them kind of cute. Haha!  

 This pretty girl is Ollie. She is 13 years old and the sweetest cat I have ever had. She loves cuddling up with us and going to sleep. She has a habit of putting you to sleep when she does that though. She loves playing with her mouse toys, feathers, and strings. Especially hoodie strings. I have several hoodies that have no strings because of this. She loves treats and tuna. You should see her come running for tuna. It is quite adorable.

Peaches is our other girl. She is four years old and such a little ball of energy. I have never had a cat that is always on the move like she is. She never sits still long enough for me to get good pictures of her. She loves any kind of toy, but her favorite is the laser. She doesn’t like to cuddle up too often, but when she does it usually isn’t for very long. 
I love these two girls so much and I know I don’t talk about them too much, but I thought you would like to see my two cute girls since it has been awhile. Thanks for the great link up Kenz and Megan. 
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Monday Mingling

Participating in Monday Mingling with Logan from Southern Sunflowers and Coffee Beans and  Tarloe from One Haole Girl.

Go check them out and join in the fun of discovering new bloggers!

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Operation Be More Crafty February Update

I would like to apologize for my lack of craft this month. I have not been able to get outside to spray paint the cookie sheet since it has been cold. On days that it has been warm enough, it has been raining. Instead I will be doing the cookie sheet magnet board for March because it will start getting warmer for sure.  Here is what I am doing for February now:

I thought this might be cute to make for girl of any age’s room! What girl doesn’t like glitter? I will be getting the supplies sometime in the next week and a tutorial and reveal will be up ASAP. Again I apologize for not being able to get my cookie sheet magnet board together in time.

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Irish Blessing

With St. Patrick’s Day right around the corner I wanted to share my Irish Blessing again. You can right click on this if you want to use it for your decorating. I hope you enjoy it.

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Fab Friday

Every Friday is Fab Friday over at The Everyday Joys where you talk time to shout out some of the fab things that happened over the past week.

Here are my Fabs for the week.

We had a great vacation. I should have probably said this last week, but we were on our vacation last Friday and I didn’t blog anything during that time. We went to Andersonville GA and Savannah GA. It was so much fun. I am already planning our next trip to Savannah.

Mr. RCGG came home Wednesday with my Valentine’s Day roses. He didn’t get them last Thursday because we were leaving for our trip that day and he wanted me to enjoy them. He has gotten me roses every year that we have been together.

I am getting some great future Operation Be More Crafty ideas and can’t wait to share them.

Cupcake Mail is going a little slow right now. I haven’t gotten anything for my best girlfriends yet, but I plan to get something going before Easter.

These are my Fabs for the week. What are yours?

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A Little About Me

Just in case you might be new around here let me do a quick introduction.

 My name is Cate. I am 30 years old and I am Random Crafty Georgia Girl. Mr. RCGG and I have been married for 7 months. Yes, we are still newlyweds and loving it! We were married the day after my 30th birthday. We have two cats named Ollie and Peachy. Ollie is 13 years old and Peachy is 4.  We love them both and spoil them to the core.

I am from Southern Illinois, but I moved to Georgia in 2008 with Mr. RCGG and his family. Every now and then I still have an I wanna go home moment, but it passes. My whole family still lives in Illinois and I wished we could get up there more often.

I started my blog as a scrapbooking blog, but I really don’t scrap as much as I used to. I really need to get back into it because I have to do our wedding album. Anyways, then I decided that I would change my blog to my life in Georgia for my family in Illinois to know what was going on. I don’t even think they knew I had a blog until recently. One day I decided that I wanted to make crafts. Well that’s where Random Crafty Georgia Girl was born. Craftiness with a little bit of Randomness. I still share the every day randomness of my life, but I try to have some crafts mixed in.

Want to know some more about me?
I love Paula Deen, Rachael Ray, and Pioneer Woman.
I want to live on the beach someday.
My favorite meal is sloppy joes and mashed potatoes.

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So What Wednesday

Another Wednesday means another So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew.

So What Wednesday

So what if I got my Bobby Deen cookbook and it makes me want to cook healthy now.  His book is called From Mama’s Table to Mine. He takes his mom’s recipes and makes them a little more healthy. 

If everything is perfect right now and I really have nothing to say so what about this week. 

So What if this might be my shortest So what Wednesday post. 

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