Google plus and 31 Days of Every Day

I have decided to venture into Google +. I have had it for awhile, but really didn’t do anything with it because I didn’t know what it was or how to work it. I still don’t have a clue how to use it, but I think that can change with a little bit of working on it.  So if you are on Google + please add me to your circles.

Today, I thought I would share a little about myself in my 31 days of Every Day. I haven’t done that on the blog in awhile and I thought that since I have had new readers in the last month because of the 31 Days that it might be a good time to do that again.

I am not one that likes to talk about myself, but sometimes you just have to suck it up and do it.

So here it goes:

I am 30 years old and still sleep with a teddy bear. I always have and I always will. The one I sleep with now is one that my husband got for me when we were dating for our second Christmas. I have slept with it for 11 years. His name is Purple Bear because he is purple.

I love the Wizard of Oz. I have a huge collection that I can not wait to put out again someday. When we moved to Georgia I had to pack it and I have not been able to unpack it yet to show it off.

Some of my favorite bands are *NSYNC, Aerosmith, and Maroon 5. Right now, my favorite song is Moves Like Jagger by Maroon 5. It is the ringtone on my phone and when the Samsung Note commercial comes on TV it make me think someone is calling me.

I also love Blake Shelton. He is just HOT and there is no one like him. He tweets some funny things.

A couple of my favorite snacks that people think are a little weird are Cheez-its and milk, Fritos and french onion dip, Cheetos and sour cream.

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31 Days of Every Day

On this 18th day of October, I feel as if I have done everything there is to do and then some more. I did your usual household chores.  I decided that I want to try and sell some of the wedding planning books I have. I don’t need them anymore since we are not planning our wedding.  I have written out some Thank you cards from gifts we got this past weekend from friends in Illinois.

So, it has been a busy day and I am ready to take some time to relax. I still have to go downstairs and work for my husband though. I will be able to relax later tonight when we are done with his work.

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Catching Up and Stop and Smell the Roses

I am behind on my 31 Days of every day so I am just going to do a little recap of what has been going on for the past week.  Last week I was down and out with sinus problems. I was coughing so hard it would gag me, couldn’t breathe, and just all around not feeling that great. I was on so many sinus meds that I felt like I was asleep the whole week. I finally felt better on Thursday night. That was very good because we needed to pack for our trip to Illinois to visit my parents. We went up on Friday afternoon and stayed through Monday morning. It was longer than we usually stay because we went to St. Louis on Sunday for my baby cousin’s wedding. She is actually 20, but will always be my baby cousin. Anyways, On Saturday night my mom had an open house reception for us to celebrate our wedding with our friends from church. It was so great to see everyone.

This week for Stop and Smell the Roses, I wanted to take a video of some of my favorite places in Carterville, IL,  some of the places I used to go when I lived there. We didn’t have time, so maybe next time we go up I can get that one.  I had my mom invite the Rose family to the open house, but they couldn’t make it because they were out of town for the Tough Mudder competition.  It would have been great to see Mandy, but we didn’t give very much notice. Sorry.

I hope everyone has a great week and I am looking forward to seeing what you are loving this week. P.S. I can’t believe that we only have four weeks of Stop and Smell the Roses left for this year. It doesn’t seem like the year should even be this close to being over.


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31 days of every day: Day 6

October 6, 2012

Today is Saturday. My husband has been watching football and painting the kitchen. We are painting it a beigeish color which is a whole lot better than the mustard yellow color that it was. It looks so much better already and we still have more to paint.   
I am hoping to go to Costco tomorrow and get our wedding pictures printed. We still haven’t done that. I want to start on our wedding scrapbook soon and I need the pictures before I can do that. I also have to get our photo album started so I can take it up to Illinois with us next weekend when we go to visit my parents. 
This is starting to get easier as I go on through the month. When I started I had no idea what to really write about since my days usually consist of the exact same thing. Hope fully that will change as the month goes on and I will know what to write about my every day.
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31 Days of Every Day: Days 4 and 5

October 4, 2012
There was really nothing that exciting that went on yesterday. I thought I had made my post, but I guess I didn’t. Anyways, yesterday was just a regular day. My husband went to the post office and he came home. That was about it. Yeah not too exciting.

October 5, 2012
Today was baseball’s wild card game against the Braves and Cardinals. Unfortunately, the Braves lost in a horrible call incident, That is all I am going to say about that. It was bad. Thanks Chipper Jones for a great season and a great 19 years in the game. You will be missed next season.

Anyways,  we went to Target tonight and I got a new computer game. It is one of those seek and find games. It is called Vacation Quest The Hawaiian Islands. I love these types of games. I am getting ready to install it now. I am also waiting for the repeat of tonight’s new episode of Ghost Adventures to come on. I love that show. It really makes you think about whether there is life after death or not. Some of the things they have captured are AMAZING!

   I hope you had a great day!

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Stop and Smell the Roses and 31 days of every day

Stop and Smell the Roses (one day late)

I am a little late with linking up for Stop and Smell the Roses this week.  I am so sorry Mandy!  Like I told you on facebook I wasn’t feeling that great on Tuesday.

Hopefully for our next Stop and Smell the Roses, I will be able to get something special together. The husband and I are going to visit my family in Illinois next weekend and my mom has planned a little open house at their church. I am wanting to make a video of my hometown to show off. We will see how much time we have though.

31 Days of Every Day
Today has been kind of slow. It has felt like it has gone by really fast though. Kind of an oxymoron huh? I have been reading my book, The Girl who Played with Fire by Steig Larsson. I read the first book in this series, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, earlier in the year. It took forever to get into it and understand what was going on, but I really enjoyed it once I was able to figure out everything.  I have had no problem with the second book in the series. I still have a long way to go before I am even halfway done with it, but it is a much faster read than the first one.

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31 days of every day: Day 2 and 3

Tuesday, October 2, 2012
I didn’t get my every day post in yesterday because I wasn’t feeling all that great.  I have acid reflux disease and it was acting up yesterday. Anyways, yesterday was just a normal day. I didn’t sleep all that well the night before so I was extremely tired the whole day. I usually film a Stop and Smell the Roses video on Tuesdays but yesterday I didn’t even feel like doing that. Sorry Mandy!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Today, I am doing the laundry that I didn’t feel like doing yesterday. The Braves baseball game was on earlier today, but I was kind of hoping that it would have been on tonight instead so that I could watch it instead of the presidential debates. I hate politics.  I know I will find something to watch instead of two grown men bickering back and forth though.  If I can’t, I will put Vampire Diaries on Netflix. Today is my cousin’s 15th birthday. I was a sophomore in high school  when he was born.  I got an awesome package in the mail today from my Wizard of Oz secret pal.  I am in a facebook group for my favorite movie, Wizard of Oz. Every year we do a secret pal exchange. I love everything in it and I can’t wait to take pictures and share  them with you. I loved everything in it and it reminds me that I need to get a package out to mine soon.

Well, that’s it for yesterday and today!  I promise I won’t miss a day again. I have to go get laundry out of the dryer so I can fold it. YAY! So much fun! *so much sarcasm in that statement!*

I hope you have a great day!

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31 days of every day

Every year in October The Nesting Place does a 31 days link up.  Basically you blog about something for every day through the month of October. It can be anything you want to blog about. I thought it would be fun to try it out. So welcome to 31 Days of Every Day.

I’m not exactly sure how to start. I guess for the first day I will tell you a little bit about myself since I know there will be new readers coming by to check out Random Crafty Georgia Girl. 
My husband and I were recently married, as in very recently (7-21-12), and we have two cats. I love Pinterest. I am very crafty and I love pinning new ideas that I can make for our home or Christmas gifts.  We are big sports fans in this house. Carolina Panthers, Indianapolis Colts, Georgia Bulldogs, Atlanta Braves. (Right now I am watching the Braves play the Pirates.)
Anyways, my every day consists of work. I am work for my husband. He owns an Ebay business and I help him run that. We get his orders out and then package them up and he goes to the post office to mail them out. It is harder than it sounds really. He has to deal with people making offers on items and questions they may have. He also has to take pictures and do listings. It takes about six hours of his day. 
I am sorry that this is kind of boring today. This is the first day and I really don’t have any idea what to write. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for stopping by. 
Random Crafty Georgia Girl is on facebook and @RndmCrftyGAGrl on twitter. 
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Stop and Smell the Roses 9-19

Hello my loves! I hope this week has been great for you and God has blessed you and continues to bless you through the rest of the week.

Stop and Smell the Roses
Stop and Smell the Roses with Mandy from House of Rose has become one of my favorite link ups of the week. I really missed it when I was taking a bloggy break during the month before the wedding. I am so glad to be back to doing it every two weeks. 

I am sorry for the length. I went  over the time limit again.  I need to figure out a way to time myself so that I don’t go over again.

I thought I would share another video with you. I took this at the last baseball game we went to (not the one I talk about in the video) of my favorite Braves pitcher, Craig Kimbrel, coming into the game from the bullpen.

He comes into the game to the Guns and Roses song Welcome to the Jungle.

Also, I want to give a Happy Birthday shout out to the lovely Kenzie from Life According to Kenz. She is a teen blogger who shares her struggle with Juvenile Enthesitis Related Arthritis and gives all her worries and pain to God.
Have a great week.

Post video update:
When I filmed my video yesterday I mentioned that I needed to get my hair cut. Well last night Nathan and I went to Great Clips and got my new look.

The top picture is a little awful. I have been sneezing all day and didn’t put on any make up.  What do you think? I also highlighted it when we got home.

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Time for a new look

I have been wanting to get my hair cut for about a month. I have gone through Pinterest gathering ideas that I like and have a few that I really like.  Here is what I have been thinking about so far.

I would go a little shorter in the front with this one.

Source: via Cate on Pinterest

And a little shorter in the front with this one too.

This is the style I am going for. I love Victoria Beckham. She is so stylish and awesome.

Which look would you go with?

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