I have decided to venture into Google +. I have had it for awhile, but really didn’t do anything with it because I didn’t know what it was or how to work it. I still don’t have a clue how to use it, but I think that can change with a little bit of working on it. So if you are on Google + please add me to your circles.
Today, I thought I would share a little about myself in my 31 days of Every Day. I haven’t done that on the blog in awhile and I thought that since I have had new readers in the last month because of the 31 Days that it might be a good time to do that again.
I am not one that likes to talk about myself, but sometimes you just have to suck it up and do it.
So here it goes:
I am 30 years old and still sleep with a teddy bear. I always have and I always will. The one I sleep with now is one that my husband got for me when we were dating for our second Christmas. I have slept with it for 11 years. His name is Purple Bear because he is purple.
I love the Wizard of Oz. I have a huge collection that I can not wait to put out again someday. When we moved to Georgia I had to pack it and I have not been able to unpack it yet to show it off.
Some of my favorite bands are *NSYNC, Aerosmith, and Maroon 5. Right now, my favorite song is Moves Like Jagger by Maroon 5. It is the ringtone on my phone and when the Samsung Note commercial comes on TV it make me think someone is calling me.
I also love Blake Shelton. He is just HOT and there is no one like him. He tweets some funny things.
A couple of my favorite snacks that people think are a little weird are Cheez-its and milk, Fritos and french onion dip, Cheetos and sour cream.