Stop and Smell the Roses and 31 days of every day

Stop and Smell the Roses (one day late)

I am a little late with linking up for Stop and Smell the Roses this week.  I am so sorry Mandy!  Like I told you on facebook I wasn’t feeling that great on Tuesday.

Hopefully for our next Stop and Smell the Roses, I will be able to get something special together. The husband and I are going to visit my family in Illinois next weekend and my mom has planned a little open house at their church. I am wanting to make a video of my hometown to show off. We will see how much time we have though.

31 Days of Every Day
Today has been kind of slow. It has felt like it has gone by really fast though. Kind of an oxymoron huh? I have been reading my book, The Girl who Played with Fire by Steig Larsson. I read the first book in this series, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, earlier in the year. It took forever to get into it and understand what was going on, but I really enjoyed it once I was able to figure out everything.  I have had no problem with the second book in the series. I still have a long way to go before I am even halfway done with it, but it is a much faster read than the first one.

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