Professing Blog Love

In the blog world there are many friendships formed! Sometimes you find a blog that you absolutely think you could be best friends with the person. Today’s prompt for Blog Every Day in May is to profess your love for a blog friend. 

I have four people who I consider to be my best blog friends. They always know how to make me laugh or  inspired with their posts. 
 If I am having a bad day I can always count on Adrienne over at Adrienne is so inspiring to me! She can be going through some hard things in life, but never lets it get her down. She has such a great faith in God and always has the kindest heart! Never says anything bad about anything or anyone! 
Mandy from is another one of my best blog friends. I knew Mandy in high school, but she was a couple years ahead of me. She has a wonderful monthly volg link up called Stop and Smell the Roses where you film a vlog about what you are loving, thankful for or just something that has made you smile over the past month. She shares some of her home decorating and it is BEAUTIFUL! Mandy is amazing! She has the most awesome faith and isn’t afraid to share it on her blog. She had her husband are in the process of adopting their fourth child from the Phillpines and have shared the journey on her blog. There have been some bumps along the way, but God has really been working in this step in their lives to get a child into their lives. I pray every day for everything they are going through! 
 Jen from  is a runner and has inspired me to want to run my first 5K. Last month she really helped me through the Boston Marathon tragedy even when she didn’t know it. Thanks again Jen!  She runs an awesome Etsy shop called The Polka Dot Posie with her mom and they have the CUTEST items. I love the Rosie Posie Necklace.

I got this one for Christmas last year. Isn’t it adorable?  I have ordered one for my mom for Mother’s Day! 

Another one of my best blog friends is Kenzie from! Kenzie is 17 years old and has juvenile arthritis. She has gone through so much in the past few years with it and has turned it all to God. You don’t find many teenagers with that kind of faith! I am so blessed to have her in my blog life. She truly is a great girl who loves God and has been blessed by Him in many ways!

I have more blog friends, but Adrienne and Jen are the two I am loving today for Blog Every Day in May! I hope you go check them out and end up loving them as much as I do!
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3 Responses to Professing Blog Love

  1. Oh you are so sweet! I’m glad we are blog friends too.

  2. Jen says:

    The feeling is mutual Cate!! You are the BIGGEST sweetheart ever and I am so glad we found each other in blogland!! This was such a nice shout out…it made my night. Can’t wait to follow you on this running journey!!

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