Snowpocalypse- The combining of snow and apocalypse to describe a big snow storm!
Snowpocalypse, Let’s add Snowmegaddon, Snowtastophe, and SnowJam to that list of annoying names that are unnecessary. Why do we have to come up with names for every little thing now? When did this trend start? Who thought that saying snowpocalypse, snowtastrophe, and snowmageddon was cool? Stupidest thing ever!
This winter is insane! I don’t remember the last time it just kept hanging on! Do you? It’s not just in the North. This cold, snow, and ice are EVERYWHERE! You probably saw on the news about SnowJam 2014 in Atlanta!

picture from Google
This was two weeks ago when Atlanta was the laughing stock of the nation! It was really really bad! There were children stranded on buses, people walking home after leaving their car on the interstate. Kids were kept at school because parents were stuck in never ending traffic jams.
Fast forward two weeks! Another snowtastrophe is coming! OH NO!!!! This time though Atlanta was ready!

picture from Google
This is the same interstate as in the top picture only a different view! Mayor Reed told people that if you don’t need to travel stay where you are! The actually listened! There was no one out this time and there was no major catastrophic traffic snow jam!
So as you can see, Atlanta was much more prepared the second time around! Now if it would just get back up into spring like temperatures that we usually see in February I’d be happy! I’m ready for the warmer weather!

picture from Google
I’m with Sally! I need my flip flops! This winter has gone on way toooo long!
I”m so ready for spring. This whole winter thing is totally overrated.
I’m a flip flop fanatic. And stuck in Northern NH. I’ve had it with winter! I really, really have!! And, I’m rebellious. I’m wearing flip flops RIGHT NOW! Inside my warm, artificially heated house. Oh Spring how I miss you!! #sitsblogging
Haha I am from Atlanta. My husband works downtown and it took him 6 hours to get home! Lord knows I am ready for summer!!
The winter has hung on forever. It’s really putting a big snow ball in all my stuff. I can’t run outside or really do much as I dislike the snow/cold so much. It’s horrible.
Stopping by from @sitsblogging. I remember reading about this in news. In fact one of my friend who lives in Atlanta just in time or else he would have been one of those kids stuck in the bus. I agree with you this year it has been too much. Even the NorthEast if fed up with all the snow.
The snow has been ridiculous this winter. We just can’t seem to get out from under it!
I love my flip flops. I live in ct tho and we won’t have weather for those for many more months. I think we have 22 inches on the ground and 4-6 more coming tonight 🙁
I was stuck in the house for 3 days thanks to the ice storm! I’m so over Winter and Spring needs to hurry up and come. But good thing is it’s going to be in the 70’s this week.
Would you all ship some of that wet stuff out here to the west. It should be the water desperately need by the time it gets here? A nippy 74 degrees today then warming up to the 80’s again this week. We haven’t seen significant rainfall in months!
Don’t you wish we could do more than just complain about the weather? ha ha!
Haha! I wish, but it is all gone now thanks to our 60 degree weather this week!