Weekend Wrap-up

The weekends come and go way too fast don’t you think? Monday always comes before you know it!

This weekend Mr. RCGG and I didn’t really do too much! I wasn’t feeling that well on Friday with my sinuses so I stayed home and he went and did some work shopping!

On Saturday, I felt a hundred times better, but I still stayed home from the auction to catch up on some sleep that I didn’t get Friday. While my husband was at the auction I was going to make peanut butter blossoms, but we didn’t have any shortening so I made chocolate chip cookies instead.

Sunday was a pretty good sports day in our house! Mr. RCGG’s favorite football team, the Carolina Panthers, won and my Indianapolis Colts won! Plus Sunday marked one week until I get to see them play in Jacksonville. The biggest sports excitement in our house is this:

1238300_10151690278172831_848192931_nWE OWN THE EAST! POSTSEASON HERE WE COME!! This is the first time since 2005 that the Braves have won the division. The Nationals lost yesterday which automatically put the Braves into the playoffs and they also won against the Cubs! It was so great to see them celebrating in the locker room!

I have really been a little behind on my blogging! I have been working on getting things straightened out between WordPress and Blogger and it has been a little slower than I thought it would be! By the end of next week I hope to have everything finally transferred over and have the giveaway I’m planning!

I hope you have a great week!

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