Happy Fall Ya’ll

Happy Fall ya’ll! Where has the year gone? Didn’t we just celebrate the new year last week? The past few months have been quite a bit crazy around here!

Mr. RCGG and I have been working on refinishing our coffee table. It has taken so much longer than we thought and we are living without it in our living room right now! It looks so much better from the ugly black color it was though! We stripped the paint off it it and sanded it. Then we painted the top and bottom shelf part a dark gray. I still need to sand the legs and sides! I’m painting the drawer a light gray that’s almost a light purple. It reminds me of the color I painted my office in our house in Savannah.

I usually start decorating for fall at the beginning of September. I am so behind this year because we have been so busy that we haven’t been able to get all of our fall decor our of the garage. So it’s kind of a mix between our summer decor and our college football decor.

I really need to get back into writing blog posts more often. I have fallen way behind on what I want to post. With the holiday season coming up soon I usually am better about posting then.

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