The Turquoise Table by Kristin Schell- a book review

Life gets busy, but you still want that connection in your community. You think to yourself Nobody got time for that!! That’s where you are wrong. I recently read The Turquoise Table by Kristin Schell and it changed how I think about connecting with others in your neighborhood!

book cover of The Turquoise Table by Kristin Schell

In the book Kristin talks about how she formed friendships in her neighborhood with people she never thought she would become friends with. She talks about spending time abroad and noticed that families have dinner together and actually talk with out electronics in hand. The Turquoise Table is a great book to read if you are wanting to get to know people in your neighborhood but are not sure how.

Kristin talks about how she hoped that the table would bring a sense of community into her neighborhood. She didn’t know that she would create lasting friendships with everyone that stopped by the table.

The Turquoise Table project was started when Kristin had a picnic table delivered to her home and it was in the front yard for a few minutes. She kind of liked the way it looked under the tree and the idea of creating community in your own front yard was born! She later said that she felt this was God telling her that this is how she would create the community feeling in her neighborhood!

Kristin talks about how she has formed friendships with others in her neighborhood just by inviting them for coffee at the the table. She leaves water and small treats on the table and invites people to rest for a few minutes. Kristin stress that there are many ways you can use the turquoise table.

Throughout the book she shares stories about others that have started a turquoise table in their neighborhoods. Some use theirs for neighborhood dinners. While others use theirs just to chat and catch up with what is going on in life. There are a few recipes through the book and I thought that was a very nice addition. I made Kristin’s overnight french toast and it was such a hit! My husband loved it and we decided that it was going to be our go to french toast recipe! Haha!

The Turquoise Table has made its way around the country! On The Turquoise Table Facebook page Kristin shares readers stories about how their community has come together just by putting a table in someone’s front yard! People are coming together to fellowship just by taking a seat at the table.

The Turquoise Table is a great book to show how you can form lasting friendships in life. It gives you a glimpse on how God can use one person to carry an idea to a nationwide project! I would definitely recommend this book and hopefully can set up a turquoise table in my community soon!

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